
Who is in the Mozilla community? How many contributors, supporters and users are there? What would the community look like if you made an infographic about it? Where do you fit in? This page answers those questions.


What Does The Mozilla Community Look Like?

This infographic gives a high-level overview of the different ways people interact with Mozilla and the relative size of these groups. It provides an easy way to show how a small number of people have made a difference in hundreds of millions of people's lives.

InfographicFinal 2013.jpg

Click on image to download a full-size version of the infographic.

Note: if you are interested in localizing this graphic, feel free to edit the PSD file and send that to David Boswell.

Who Is In The Mozilla Community?


A Mozillian is someone who identifies with Mozilla’s principles and mission to make a web where people know more, do more and do better.

There are Mozillians involved at many different levels in the community. The following terms provide details about the different levels as people get involved through belief in Mozilla's mission, action to support the mission and interaction with other community members.

Core Contributor

A core contributor is someone (staff member, volunteer, partner, etc.) who has a leadership or ownership position in one or more Mozilla project areas.

  • Examples: The German l10n lead, a Mozilla Rep, a module owner or peer, a Mozilla employee
  • Estimated size: hundreds of people
  • Mission impact: Core contributors have made major contributions to support the mission through their contributions of time and skill. They give Mozilla reach in terms of scope, geography and influence far beyond what could be achieved through directly staffing an organization.

Active Contributor

An active contributor is someone who has given substantial time, expertise and capabilities to a Mozilla activity that involves collaboration with others within the last 12 months.

  • Examples: Someone who regularly answers Firefox questions on SUMO, someone who files bugs with Nightly builds, someone on the Credits page
  • Estimated size: thousands of people
  • Mission impact: Active contributors directly support the mission through their contributions of time and skill, and provide Mozilla with the ability to move forward with a wide range of programs and projects.

Casual Contributor

A casual contributor is someone who has volunteered occasional amounts of time, expertise or talent in an activity or function that involves interaction with other community members.

  • Examples: Someone who has participated in one Bug Day, someone who has submitted an entry in an open design challenge, someone who has made a few edits on the Mozilla Developer Network
  • Estimated size: tens of thousands of people
  • Mission impact: In aggregate, casual contributors create real value for the Mozilla, spreading the word, providing decision-informing data and more.


A supporter is someone who believes in our products and mission and has taken action to support Mozilla, but has not interacted with other community members.

  • Examples: Someone who has donated $5, someone who has added a Firefox Affiliates button on their site, someone who has liked Firefox on Facebook
  • Estimated size: tens of millions of people
  • Mission impact: Supporters advance the mission just like users, but they've taken the additional step to start educating themselves about Mozilla and by definition they are aware of some ways to get more involved.


A user is someone who chooses to use Mozilla products but may not be aware of Mozilla's mission or that there are volunteer opportunities they could get involved with.

  • Example: Someone who uses Firefox as their primary browser, someone with a Firefox OS phone.
  • Estimated size: hundreds of millions of people
  • Mission impact: Users help advance our mission indirectly, although the people using our products may not be aware of how they are helping or that there even is a mission.


Alumni are people who have previously contributed to a Mozilla activity or function but are not currently active.

How Do You Fit In The Community?

One question we've heard about the infographic and these definitions is 'How do I fit in?'

Mozilla exists because people choose to get involved and to become part of the community, so the information here is a guide for people to use to self-identify.

Take a look and tell us where you belong. If you think the definitions or the infographic don't capture how you are involved, let us know and we'll update this. If you aren't sure, we'll be happy to talk with you about this.

The forums below are the best place to go with any questions, comments or suggestions.

Note: the mailing list, newsgroup and Google group are all linked so if you post to one it will get sent to the other ones as well. This allows people to use the discussion tools of their choice.

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