Phusion Passenger

Category - Web Servers

Phusion Passenger is a free web server and application server with support for Ruby, Python and Node.js.

We have discovered  101,249 live websites   that are using Phusion Passenger.

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Technology usage statistics

Websites using Phusion Passenger101,249 websites
Most popular in the country United States
Market position in Web Servers#17
Market share in Web Servers0.15%
Most popular version6.0.20

Technology adoption

Recent changes in Phusion Passenger usage.
Websites that added Phusion Passenger+1,165
Websites that dropped Phusion Passenger-6,254
Websites that changed version of Phusion Passenger18,835

Major Versions

  • 2.xx (19 subversions, 676 domains)
  • 3.xx (20 subversions, 1,645 domains)
  • 4.xx (47 subversions, 5,513 domains)
  • 5.xx (53 subversions, 15,401 domains)
  • 6.xx (21 subversions, 51,576 domains)

Websites utilizing Phusion Passenger

Top websites that use Phusion Passenger
DomainCountryRankContacts United States787 United States1,865 Canada2,014 United States2,976 United States4,328 Germany4,346
See full domain list

Alternative Technologies

Apache: Total 24,583,474 domains found using Apache
Nginx: Total 21,717,784 domains found using Nginx
Cloudflare Server: Total 7,128,682 domains found using Cloudflare Server
OpenResty: Total 4,329,840 domains found using OpenResty
LiteSpeed: Total 4,126,909 domains found using LiteSpeed
IIS: Total 2,890,561 domains found using IIS
Pepyaka: Total 1,810,154 domains found using Pepyaka
Microsoft HTTPAPI: Total 652,388 domains found using Microsoft HTTPAPI
GHS: Total 272,047 domains found using GHS
Cowboy: Total 258,347 domains found using Cowboy