Top 5+ Advantages and Disadvantages of AJAX

The purpose of this article is to explain the “Top 5+ Advantages and Disadvantages of AJAX“.

The demand for almost everything has exploded in the world today. Within the context of websites, users are demanding more in terms of responsiveness, aesthetics, and user-friendliness.

Our efforts are geared towards keeping up with the pace. AJAX, or Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is one such technique. XML (extensible Markup Language), HTML (HyperText Markup Language), and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the technologies used in this programming concept.

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JavaScript is also used as well as DOM (Document Object Model), XMLHttpRequest, and DOM.

In AJAX, you can exchange data with your web server without reloading your page so you can update parts of your web pages. As a result, the content on your web page is dynamically updated and asynchronously.

Here are its advantages and disadvantages so you can see what AJAX is all about.

Advantages of AJAX

Our web application did not have a medium for communicating with the server from the client side. We came up with AJAX as a solution. Clients and servers can communicate by using AJAX without requiring a page reload. Among its other benefits are:

1. Improves performance

In AJAX, data can be retrieved and saved without posting the entire page to the server. Instead of performing the complete postback, you only do a part of it.

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Partially post backing has the benefit of minimizing network utilization, which is good for speeding up performance.

We are also reducing server traffic since we are only sending the necessary information to the server. As a result, performance is significantly improved due to AJAX callbacks.

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2. Asynchronous processing

Users can interact on the front end without waiting on the server using AJAX, where asynchronous connections are created.

The web server can then be accessed asynchronously.

Take another action immediately on the web page after taking the previous action.

Take the example of validating a form to understand this better.

A user’s data must be validated by filling out and submitting different fields in the form.

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AJAX makes data validation in real-time possible. You can enter data in real-time and it will be validated.

3. Improves response time

It isn’t surprising that responsiveness is improved when we transmit only necessary information to the server. Developers often use AJAX when creating responsive web pages. Only retrieving the information that is needed reduces bandwidth usage, improving loading speed and responding faster.

4. Multi-browser support

All major web browsers support AJAX. There are a variety of browsers that you can use to access these documents, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and higher, Mozilla Firefox 1.0 and higher, Opera 7.6 and higher, and Apple Safari 1.2 and higher. AJAX improves the performance of web pages across multiple browser platforms due to its compatibility with numerous browsers.

5. Enhances user experience

A faster browsing experience is something you expect as a user. You can navigate parts of a website while using AJAX techniques without reloading the entire webpage.

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Using AJAX techniques makes a site more interactive and convenient to use. A good example is Google Search. AJAX allows Google to show the common results as you start typing in the search bar.

By adding AJAX to the drop-down or list menu of the auto-complete tool, we can show suggestions. The enhanced user experience also increases conversion rates for businesses.

Disadvantages of AJAX

Wasn’t it convincing that the advantages were so compelling? Let’s take a quick look at the downsides of this technique before implementing it. This is what AJAX has to offer:

1. Dependency

Any browser will not support AJAX. JavaScript is required. JavaScript or XMLHttpRequest should therefore be supported by the browser. Then, your browser won’t be able to read AJAX-enabled pages accurately if it doesn’t support XMLHttpRequest objects or JavaScript.

Additionally, some browsers disable this functionality, resulting in a negative impact on implementation. Last but not least, you will need knowledge of JavaScript to utilize the AJAX technique.

2. Indexing problems

Search engines have a huge impact on online marketing. Therefore, websites concentrate on optimizing their SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

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You can benefit from AJAX’s speed and performance advantages, but at a price. AJAX pages cannot be indexed by search engines.

Hence, when you use AJAX for web development, you don’t have to worry about Google or other search engines indexing your website.

3. Server inaccessibility

With AJAX, information cannot be retrieved from other servers. XMLHttpRequest objects, when used in this way, can access data only from the servers that host the pages.

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The consequence of this is that AJAX does not allow information to be retrieved from another server.

4. Debugging difficulties

When working with AJAX requests and responses, debugging can be quite challenging.

There is also not a lot of error information provided. Because of this, deducing the cause of the error becomes more difficult.

It is important to know where the error was coming from so that a solution can be developed.

Furthermore, using AJAX-enabled sites will cause issues with the Back button on your browser.

The browsing history may not capture AJAX requests. Thus, pressing Back or Return will take you to the last complete page instead of the last state.

5. Security issues

Anyone can edit the code for AJAX since the code is open-source. There are security risks associated with this.

Additionally, users’ browsers store the data, which is accessible and easily accessible. Also, AJAX sends queries to a server that includes database information.

AJAX functionality is exposed through the page source. Another security issue is the serialization of data.

Browsers are then forced to invoke scripts if the browsers are manipulated to invoke AJAX calls. Users’ security is at risk from these scripts, which are malicious.

If you want to read more about technology, read here: Technology.

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