
Yeah, you’re right. Millions of listeners a day on a podcast while you’re watching porn in your momma’s basement yearning for the days that people actually gave a shit about your dumb ass. Nice comeback dipshit. Get a job loser.
*but as A Christian YOU are called.* God doesn’t give every person that classifies themselves as a Christians that call you speak of. They take it upon themselves to say he has. Then spew hate. Time and place for everything. This thread wasn’t it lol SHALOM 🙏🏼
Wait a minute- you have never felt the Holy Spirit ? We don’t claim it it’s an actual experience you feel it. If you don’t feel the presence of God I don’t know what to tell you. I feel bad for you Why would you even believe in a God that doesn’t show you his real?
Jesus was not the peace loving hippie leftists like to pretend he was to justify their sin. Mathew 10:34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."