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Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser Market Share Gains to 7.4%

Mozilla Firefox Internet Browser Market Share Gains to 7.4%

The latest survey from shows what was expected. Firefox is gaining on Internet Explorer and pretty rapidly. As per the reports, Mozilla Foundation has taken a 7.4% market share gaining more than 5% since May. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer has dropped down to 88.9%

This data is collected from a sample of 2 million users of websites from 100 countries. It does not surely reflect the exact figures, but the sample is good enough to show that the web is tilting away from the Microsoft’s domain. The variation can also be noticed from information released by another company, which showed a 3% deviation in favor of Mozilla.

“It seems that people are switching from Microsoft’s Internet Explorer to Mozilla’s new Firefox browser. The total usage share of Microsoft declined 5 percent and the total usage share of Mozilla increased 5 percent,” said Niels Brinkman, co-founder of

The most popular browsers on the web are:

1. Microsoft IE 6.0 80.95%
2. Microsoft IE 5.0 4.18%
3. Microsoft IE 5.5 3.66%
4. Mozilla Firefox 0.1 2.79%
5. Mozilla 1.x 2.77%
6. Mozilla Firefox 1.0 1.79%
7. Opera 7.x 1.29%

Most of this is said to be due to the recent much hyped release of the first final version of the Firefox browser from Mozilla Foundation. It was downloaded by millions of users world wide and made news the world over. I even saw it being featured on an Indian television show, which was a surprise actually.

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Loren Baker

Loren Baker is the Founder of SEJ, an Advisor at Alpha Brand Media and runs Foundation Digital, a digital marketing ... [Read full bio]

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