American Buddhist Citizens' League

Free Buddhist Vegetarian Observance Calendars --- Mahayana Buddhist Vegetarian Observances


Six-Day Vegetarian Schedule

Observed on a monthly basis based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar (including intercalary months):

The 8th lunar day

The 14th lunar day

The 15th lunar day

The 23rd lunar day

The 29th lunar day on Chinese Lunar Months with 30 days otherwise observed on the 28th lunar day

The 30th lunar day on Chinese Lunar Months with 30 days otherwise observed on the 29th lunar day


Free 2020 Bilingual Chinese/English Illustrated Six Day Vegetarian Calendar - English Screenreader Ready


免費2020年中英文佛教月曆(六齋版) - 有中文屏幕閱讀器功能


Ten-Day Vegetarian Schedule

Observed on a monthly basis based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar (including intercalary months):

The 1st lunar day

The 8th lunar day

The 14th lunar day

The 15th lunar day

The 18th lunar day

The 23rd lunar day

The 24th lunar day

The 28th lunar day on Chinese Lunar Months with 30 days otherwise observed on the 27th lunar day

The 29th lunar day on Chinese Lunar Months with 30 days otherwise observed on the 28th lunar day

The 30th lunar day on Chinese Lunar Months with 30 days otherwise observed on the 29th lunar day


Free 2020 Bilingual Chinese/English Illustrated Ten Day Vegetarian Calendar


Guanyin Bodhisattva Vegetarian Schedule

Observed based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar (including intercalary months):[i]

The 8th day of the 1st Lunar Month

The 18th day of the 6th Lunar Month

The 7th day of the 2nd Lunar Month

The 19th day of the 6th Lunar Month

The 9th day of the 2nd Lunar Month

The 23rd day of the 6th Lunar Month

The 19th day of the 2nd Lunar Month

The 13th day of the 7th Lunar Month

The 3rd day of the 3rd Lunar Month

The 16th day of the 8th Lunar Month

The 6th day of the 3rd Lunar Month

The 19th day of the 9th Lunar Month

The 13th day of the 3rd Lunar Month

The 23rd day of the 9th Lunar Month

The 22nd day of the 4th Lunar Month

The 2nd day of the 10th Lunar Month

The 3rd day of the 5th Lunar Month

The 19th day of the 11th Lunar Month

The 17th day of the 5th Lunar Month

The 24th day of the 11th Lunar Month

The 16th day of the 6th Lunar Month

The 25th day of the 12th Lunar Month


Free 2020 Bilingual Chinese/English Illustrated Guanyin Vegetarian Calendar - English Screenreader Ready


免費2020年中英文佛教月曆(觀音齋版) - 有中文屏幕閱讀器功能




[You Chun-jing (Editor). Surangama Mantra, Mahakaruna Mantra, Ten Smaller Mantras and Akasagarbha Bodhisattva Mantra. (in Chinese) Taipei: Zhengyi Shanshu Publishing House. November 1982.[p.116]]


[Ven. Shi Shouye, Hong Kong Guangming (Potalaka) Buddhist Lecture Hall, New York Guangming (Potalaka) Chan Temple, Vietnam Avatamsaka Temple. Morning and Evening Recitation Liturgy. (in Chinese) Kaohsiung: Yulong Printing House. 1986.[pp.160-161]]

Buddhist Text Translation Society. Sagely City of 10000 Buddhas Daily Recitation Handbook 萬佛聖城日誦儀規。(in Chinese and English) Taipei: 法界佛教印經會(Dharma Realm Buddhist Sutra Printing Association). 2002. ISBN: 978-0881398571. [pp 248-250].

Buddhist Association of Canada & Cham Shan Temple of Canada & Young Men's Buddhist Association of America and Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada. The Buddhist Liturgy / 佛會課誦. (in Chinese and English) Taipei: The Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation. 2004.[pp.274-277]

Thích Thiện Thanh. Nghi Thức Tụng Niệm Hằng Ngày. (Buddhist Liturgy). (in Vietnamese) Long Beach, California: Chùa Phật Tổ (Buddhist Congregation of the United States). 2013. [p. 216]


1The Chinese Lunar Calendar has intercalary months – i.e. additional months.  The year 2020 for example will have an intercalary 4th month.  The year 2020 therefore, will have an additional 4th month (the intercalary 4th month or 閏四月) as well as the regular 4th month.  Therefore, the Guanyin Bodhisattva Vegetarian Schedule for the 4th month of 2020 will be followed on the 22nd day of the 4th lunar month (western calendar May 14th) and the 22nd day of the intercalary 4th month (western calendar June 13th) respectively. 


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