Commit 8c63e4b3 authored by Michael Catanzaro's avatar Michael Catanzaro

Require WebKitGTK 2.26.0

For "selectively enable/disable adblock filters"
parent 2dac99ce
Pipeline #114855 passed with stages
in 4 minutes and 3 seconds
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ config_h = declare_dependency(
glib_requirement = '>= 2.61.2'
gtk_requirement = '>= 3.24.0'
nettle_requirement = '>= 3.4'
webkitgtk_requirement = '>= 2.25.1'
webkitgtk_requirement = '>= 2.26.0'
cairo_dep = dependency('cairo', version: '>= 1.2')
gcr_dep = dependency('gcr-3', version: '>= 3.5.5')
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