The Difference Between Dynamic & Static Web Pages

by Steven Melendez; Updated August 10, 2018
Not every page calls for dynamic web coding.

Not every page calls for dynamic web coding.

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Some websites online bring up-to-the-minute, customized content, from the latest sports scores to updates from your friends on social media pages. Others have information that remains constant no matter who's viewing the site and when they stop by. Sites that change over time are generally known as dynamic sites, while sites that do not change are static.

Dynamic Web Page Properties

Some of the most popular sites on the World Wide Web today are dynamic pages. Newspaper sites, social media homepages and in-browser games all feature changing content, showing different text, images and videos depending on who's visiting and when.

This lets them keep up to date with new content and customize information (and ads) depending on who is visiting the site. Websites can use small text files, known as cookies, to monitor who is visiting and display customized content in real time or just serve the latest content available no matter who visits, such as new headlines or newly updated user submissions on a forum.

Some pages can generate dynamic content purely on a server, serving the current version of the site as a whole, while others fetch bits and pieces of content from a server or various servers and splice them together in the user's browser. Information can also be fetched over time or as a user interacts with the site, using programming techniques that let the browser automatically request more data from the server.

Dynamic pages are necessary for many features of today's web, from online shopping to social media to media streaming, but complex ones can take more time to load and more processing power and memory to display on a user's machine. Some users may also object to sites that become overly familiar with their browsing habits, logging too much of their activities or using them to serve highly specific ads.

Static Site Properties

Static by definition means something that does not change. The first pages on the World Wide Web were largely static and unchanged, delivering the same information about a particular topic to anyone who visited.

In some cases, sites may evolve slightly over time but are still largely static, meaning that they only change when manually changed by their creators, not on a regular and automated basis.

Tools called static site generators can be used to splice together multiple files of web code and formatting information to build a fast-loading, static site.

Static sites can be relatively simple to code and can often load more quickly than dynamic sites, since they don't have to use any sort of algorithms to decide what data to display or pull in information from multiple servers. On the other hand, they lack the flexibility of dynamic sites to deal with a wide variety of user interactions, so they may not be suitable for every purpose.

About the Author

Steven Melendez is an independent journalist with a background in technology and business. He has written for a variety of business publications including Fast Company, the Wall Street Journal, Innovation Leader and Business BVI. He was awarded the Knight Foundation scholarship to Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.

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