Windows 10 build 17134

Current release for Current Branch Desktop

Release date: 04/30/2018

New Microsoft Edge features

New in Windows 10 build 17134

This is the stable release of the Windows 10 April 2018 Update. To see everything that’s new, visit What’s New in Microsoft Edge in the Windows 10 April 2018 Update.

New in Windows 10 build 17120

Download files to the host from Windows Defender Application Guard: In this release, users can turn on a feature to download files from their WDAG browsing session onto the host file system. This feature is available in the Windows 10 Enterprise edition and must be turned on. Once the feature is enabled, users will be able to download files into a folder created in their Downloads folder and open all files on the host. This is available in the Group Policy settings for Application Guard as “Allow files to download and save to the host operating system from Windows Defender Application Guard” (off by default).

New in Windows 10 build 17093

Evolving full screen mode (F11): With the Fall Creators Update we added F11 support to Microsoft Edge, to enable you to take full advantage of your screen real estate. Full screen removes the Edge frame so that only the webpage is visible. You can enter this mode by pressing the F11 key, and exiting using the same key. We’ve heard your feedback, and with this build we’re updating this experience so that without leaving full screen you can now access the address bar and navigate to other sites, add a site as a favorite, and more. To do this, simply hover your mouse at the top of the screen while in full screen mode, or using touch drag a finger down from the top of the screen, and the familiar controls will appear. As always, don’t hesitate to provide feedback so we can continue improving this feature.

Clutter-free printing: Now you can print webpages from Microsoft Edge without ads and unnecessary clutter from the web. Enable the “Clutter-free printing” option in the print dialog and print only the content you want. Note: this option will only be visible for certain type of webpages.

New in Windows 10 build 17074

Autofill card information on web forms: Microsoft Edge can now save and automatically fill your card information on payment web forms. On submission of a form with card information, Microsoft Edge will prompt you to save card information. In the future, you can simply select the preferred card from a drop-down menu to autofill necessary fields. Microsoft Edge securely saves your card information. CVV information is never saved. All cards linked to your Microsoft Account are also made available for automatically filling card information.

Exclude domains from saving passwords: You can now disable saved passwords on a per-site basis. When prompted for permission to save passwords, you can now choose “never” on these sites.

Autofill passwords when InPrivate: You can now autofill saved passwords when browsing in an InPrivate window. No user credentials will be saved or updated when the window is InPrivate.

Use Extensions when InPrivate: Extensions can now support InPrivate mode in Microsoft Edge. You can manage permissions for individual extensions to run InPrivate from the options page for each extension. We’re working with extension developers to enable more features when InPrivate.

Hub Improvements:
We’ve revamped the Hub view in Microsoft Edge to show more content and to be easier and more intuitive to use. You’ll now find the different Hub sections listed with the full name visible in the Navigation view to the left of the content. This view can be collapsed to show icons only if you prefer to save space.

New reading experience for EPUB, PDF, and Reading View: We’ve overhauled the look and feel of the reading and Books experiences in Microsoft Edge, bringing a new, consistent, more powerful experience across all your documents, whether they’re EPUB or PDF books, documents, or web pages in Reading View. You can learn more about the new capabilities and improvements over at the Windows Insider Blog.

Vertically dock the Microsoft Edge DevTools: The DevTools pane can now be docked vertically. Additional improvements to content reflowing will improve the vertical docking experience in future preview releases.

New in Windows 10 build 17063

Fluent updates in Microsoft Edge: Microsoft Edge now supports Reveal on our navigation buttons, action buttons, buttons in the tab bar, as well as on lists throughout Microsoft Edge (such as in the HUB: Favorites, Reading, History, Downloads), making navigating Edge UI easier and more delightful. We’ve also refreshed both the Light and Dark themes, with more distinct transparency, darker blacks, and much better contrast with all colors, text, and icons.

Bookmark button and flyout become one: This release consolidates the functions to add and manage bookmarks into one button in all EPUB and PDF documents.**

Offline web sites and push notifications: Microsoft Edge now supports Service Workers and the Push and Cache APIs. These new web standards allow web pages to send push notifications to your Action Center or refresh data in the background, even when the browser is closed. In addition, certain web pages can now work offline or improve performance, by using locally cached data when the cache is up to date, or when your device has a poor connection. You can learn more about these features in our post Service Workers: Going beyond the page. These features lay the technical foundation for Progressive Web Apps on Windows 10 – we’ll have lots more to share about this topic soon on the Microsoft Edge Dev Blog!

Web Media Extensions Package: This build installs the Web Media Extensions package for Microsoft Edge, which extends Microsoft Edge and Windows 10 to support open-source formats (OGG Vorbis and Theora) commonly found on the web. Try out your favorite OGG content (such as Wikipedia videos or audio)! We will be monitoring feedback from this feature in Insider flights to eventually expand to broader availability to Microsoft Edge customers in the Current Branch.

Gesture Improvements for Precision Touch Pads: This build introduces a new gesture experience for Precision Touch Pads (found on Surface and other modern Windows 10 devices). You can now use gestures like pinch and zoom, or two-finger panning, to achieve the same interactions on web sites that you can do with a touch screen today. For example, you can now pinch-to-zoom on a map in Bing Maps to zoom in the map without zooming the entire page. Developers can learn more about how this change is implemented and how to make sure your sites are ready for modern input experiences over at our blog post, Building a great touchpad experience for the web with Pointer Events.

New in Windows 10 build 17046

Form Fill for Address fields: Microsoft Edge can now save and automatically fill your preferred information in addresses and related forms. When filling in fields on a form, such as an address or other contact information, Microsoft Edge will prompt to save your form information. In the future, you can simply select the preferred information from a drop-down menu to complete all the related fields.

Addresses you save will be roamed between your Windows 10 devices, and you can manually add or remove form entries in Advanced Settings.

Text Spacing comes to Reading View: You can now adjust the text spacing when you’re in Reading View. To enter Reading View, open an article or blog post you’re interested in, then tap the book icon next to the address bar. Adjusting the page to use wider spacing can improve reading fluency.

New in Windows 10 build 17035

  • Tab Muting: You can now mute tabs selectively from the tab bar in Microsoft Edge. Either click the audio icon on a tab or right click on the tab and select “Mute tab” to toggle muting.
    Screen capture showing Tab Mute context menu option.

  • Save free EPUB books: You now have the option to save EPUB books from the web from within the reading view.

  • New context menu options for books: For your convenience, we’ve added a few new options when you right-click books in the Book pane, including View in Microsoft Store, Pin to Start, and Refresh books. Remove from here has been renamed Remove from device.

New in Windows 10 build 16299

This is the stable release of the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. You can see everything that’s new in our blog post, What’s new in Microsoft Edge in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.

New web platform features

New in Windows 10 build 17134

This is the stable release of EdgeHTML 17. To see everything that’s new in EdgeHTML, visit the Edge Dev Guide for EdgeHTML 17.

New in Windows 10 build 17074

  • Added support for Font Variation Properties with OpenType Variable Font Support
  • Added support for Notifications API for Extensions
  • Added support for elements on HTMLFieldsetElement
  • Added support for relList on link elements
  • Added support for ping on anchor element
  • Fixed a permissions issue that resulted in Push notifications not being delivered to the Action Center

New in Windows 10 build 17063

  • The Service Workers family of features (Service Worker, Push API, Cache API, Fetch API) is now enabled by default in Microsoft Edge. You can learn more about these features in our post Service Workers: Going beyond the page. Note that Service Workers are not yet enabled by default in Hosted Web Apps.
  • CSS backdrop-filter is now enabled by default
  • Subresource integrity is now enabled by default
  • Precision Touch Pad Pointer Events: Microsoft Edge will now fire Pointer Events with a pointerType of “touch” in response to PTP gestures. You can learn more about this change in our blog post, Building a great touchpad experience for the web with Pointer Events
  • Added support for minlength on textarea and input
  • This build preloads the Web Media Extensions package for Microsoft Edge, which extends Microsoft Edge and Windows 10 to support open-source formats (OGG Vorbis and Theora) commonly found on the web.

New in Windows 10 build 17035

  • Added support for WAI-ARIA 1.1 roles, states, and properties. Additions include: cell, feed, figure, form, searchbox, switch, table, term, aria-current, aria-details, aria-haspopup, aria-keyshortcuts, and aria-roledescription.
  • Accessibility API mappings have also been updated for contentinfo, main, region, aria-colcount, aria-colindex, aria-colspan, aria-errormessage, aria-modal, aria-placeholder, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, and aria-rowspan.

With these additions, EdgeHTML 17+ supports all roles and attributes defined in WAI-ARIA 1.1.

New in Windows 10 build 16299

This is the stable release of EdgeHTML 16. You can see everything that’s new in the Microsoft Edge Dev Guide for EdgeHTML 16.

This is the current release for Current Branch | Desktop. Learn more about this release on the Windows blog

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