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Securely connect with millions of Amazon customers and personalize their experience


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Benefits of Login with Amazon

Reduce registration friction

Customers prefer to register and login with credentials they already know. In a head-to-head test, Woot found that customers picked Login with Amazon two times more than any other identity provider.

Leverage security and scalability

Help secure customer information by leveraging the same user authentication system used by Login with Amazon is based on OAuth 2.0, which has been broadly adopted for user-authorized exchanges across sites.

Reduce infrastructure and operational costs

By taking advantage of Login with Amazon, you can spend less time building a user management system and more time building your product. Login with Amazon also allows for faster development cycle by using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

Make Amazon’s customers your customers

When you add Amazon Pay, millions of Amazon buyers can login and pay on your website or mobile devices with the information already stored in their Amazon account. Learn more»