Your privacy is important for us and we want to lead by example. This privacy policy describes our practices for management of your data collected by our web application.

Our application may collect your IP address, web browser name, web address which you came from (referrer) and other technical information seen by the web servers and web application software. This non-identifying information may persist on our servers for a period of a few weeks after which it's deleted by log file rotation.

We do not track or analyse individual user actions on our website. We use Google AdSense and social buttons from Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter. Each of these companies may perform their own user tracking so we follow the Do Not Track (DNT) standard and disable their code if your browser is configured to send the DNT header.

Out website sets a few first-party cookies, both of which are strictly technical and necessary:

  • csrftoken is a session HTTP cookie valid only for current browser session and used to prevent CSRF attacks.
  • sessionid is a persistent HTTP cookie and is only set when you authenticate to our website and holds your authentication token which is valid for 7 days.
  • cookieconsent_status is a persistent HTTP cookie that holds your cookie consent status once you have clicked the consent pop-up once to prevent it from appearing each time you visit our page. The cookie is valid for one year.
  • google_experiment_mod is a LocalStorage cookie set by Google Ads
  • google_pub_config is a LocalStorage cookie set by Google Ads

Our website will also set a number of third-party cookies originating from the aforementioned companies and you can view a detailed list of these cookies. These cookies are not set when Do Not Track (DNT) is enabled.

Please contact us for any further questions.

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