• CSS 24.04.2009 No Comments

    In a previous post about using CSS to style HTML tables, I covered collapsing borders, empty cells, and the inline-table display type. In this post I’ll cover headers and footers, captions, and columns, as well as other points which are good to know when using CSS with tables.

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  • CSS 17.04.2009 No Comments

    Modern browsers have the ability to display very complex HTML tables when using CSS to style them. While there are people who frown upon using tables for page layout, there’s no better nor no more flexible way to display tabular data than using tables. While this post is not a tutorial on HTML tables, it will describe some of the intricacies of styling them. The techniques shown here target recent versions of Safari, Firefox, Opera, and IE.

    The information in this post was derived the specifications for CSS 2.1 and various versions of HTML (HTML 4, XHTML 2, and HTML 5 are similar enough for this discussion).

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