Persona is no longer actively developed by Mozilla. Mozilla has committed to operational and security support of the services until November 30th, 2016.

On November 30th, 2016, Mozilla will shut down the services. and related domains will be taken offline.

If you run a website that relies on Persona, you need to implement an alternative login solution for your users before this date.

For more information, see this guide to migrating your site away from Persona:

Simple, privacy-sensitive single sign-in: let your users sign in to your website with their email address, and free yourself from password management.

Mozilla Persona is a cross-browser login system for the Web, that's easy to use and easy to deploy. It works on all major browsers, and you can get started today.

Why should you use Persona on your website?

  1. Persona completely eliminates site-specific passwords, freeing users and websites from the burden of creating, managing and storing passwords securely.
  2. Persona is easy to use. With just two clicks a Persona user can sign in to a new site like Voost, bypassing the friction associated with account creation.
  3. Persona is easy to implement. Developers can add Persona to a site within a single afternoon.
  4. There's no lock-in. Developers get a verified email address for all of their users, and users can use any email address with Persona.

Plus, Persona is only going to get better: it's built on an open, decentralized protocol, that's designed to allow direct integration into browsers and native support by email providers. Sites that implement Persona today will automatically experience improvements without having to change any code.

Using Persona on your site


Getting started

Why Persona?
What's special about Persona compared to other identity and authentication systems.
Quick setup
A walkthrough showing how to add Persona to your website.

API reference

The browser API.
Verification API reference
The remote verification API.


Security considerations
Practices and techniques to make sure your Persona deployment is secure.
Browser compatibility
Learn exactly which browsers support Persona.
Learn how Persona handles different languages.
The implementor's guide
Tips from sites that have added support for Persona.


Libraries and plugins
Find a drop-in library for your favorite programming language, web framework, blog, or content management system.
The Persona cookbook
Example source code for Persona sites. Includes snippets in C# (MVC3), PHP, Node.JS, and more.
User interface guidelines
How to present Persona sign-in to your users.

Becoming an Identity Provider

If you're an email provider or another identity-providing service, check out the links below to learn about becoming a Persona Identity Provider.

IdP Overview
A high level view of Persona Identity Providers.
Implementing an IdP
A detailed guide to the technical details of becoming an IdP.
An overview of the .well-known/browserid file, which IdPs use to advertise support for the protocol.

The Persona Project

BrowserID and Persona terminology defined.
Answers to common questions.
Protocol overview
A mid-level technical overview of the underlying BrowserID protocol.
A look at the cryptographic concepts behind Persona and BrowserID.
The Spec
Deep technical details live here.
The Persona website
To get Persona going, we're hosting three services at a fallback Identity Provider, an implementation of the APIs, and a verification service.
The Persona source code
The code for Persona is on GitHub. Pull requests welcome!

Join the Identity community

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