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  • 100 MB internet pe mobil
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Internet Mobile Access

for you

The service allows you to access the Internet wherever you are in the Orange coverage area.



  • possibility to access the Internet while on the move and in the areas with no fixed network connection
  • no contacts needed with other Internet service providers

technical description

Technology: Data GSM or GPRS/EDGE/3G
Required equipment: mobile phone, laptop/PDA, data cable (optional).
The mobile access to Internet can be done by connecting the mobile phone to a PC/PDA or by using a HTML enabled phone.

The Data GSM connection is a dial-up type connection made by dialing the short number 545, with no need for additional settings.

The authentication is user name/password type:

  • user name: Internet
  • password: Orange

The 3G / EDGE / GPRS connection is an IP (Internet Protocol) type connection by accessing the corresponding APN (Access Point Name).
The authentication is made automatically and there is no need for additional settings.

The transfer speed for the data packages is different for the two transfer ways (from the mobile phone to the network and from the network to the mobile phone) and depends both on the phone’s features and on the radio conditions at the connection location.

Needed settings:

  • APN (Access Point Name): "internet"
  • number call: *99# or *99***1# (depending on the telephone type)
  • proxy server:
  • port: 80
  • user name: blank
  • password: blank
  • modem initialization commands:
    • at+cgdcont=1,"ip","internet","",0,0
    • at+cgdcont=1,"ip","internet"


The Internet connection allows browsing, file transfer (FTP download), terminal connection type (Telnet), E-mail transfer (POP3, SMTP).


The Internet Mobile Access service is charged differently depending on the connecting technology (CSD / 3G / EDGE / GPRS).

Connecting over the CSD technology:

  • charging is made for connection time
  • charging unit: the first minute is indivisible while the following minutes are charged per second


Internet (545)
charging per connection time
peak 0,04
off-peak 0,02

peak: Mondayi-Friday, 08:00-20:00;
off-peak: Monday-Friday, 20:00-08:00; anytime on Saturday andSunday

Connecting over the 3G / EDGE / GPRS technology:

  • charging is made per traffic volume
  • charging unit: KB (Kilo Byte)
    • 1 KB = 1024 Bytes
    • 1 MB = 1024 KB
    • 1 Byte = 8 bits
  • tariff per MB: 0.9 EUR

In Roaming, the charging principles are different. For details please click here »

acquisition method

The service is activated on the PrePay SIM card.

For activating the service through GPRS/EDGE dial *100#, Self Care service (free of charge from your Orange phone) and choose from "Select" menu the "MMS, data and settings" option. Select then from the "Mobile Data Services" the "via GPRS/EDGE" option.
