24 February 2016

Welcome to the Night Files

The X-Files and Welcome to Night Vale, both have fantastic theme songs. Here’s a go I had at combining them into one song. Please excuse my simplified variations and strange conception of time. Remember, as Carlos and his team of scientists report, the sun didn’t set at the correct time today…

If you haven’t listened to Night Vale, yet, then check out the Pilot. Also, I found this gem of the mountain from LondonsLonely. If Fox Mulder were a citizen of Night Vale, he would uncover the truth behind mountains!

25 December 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from mrcoles.com!

Merry Christmas from Peter, Lauren, and Daisy

As of jQuery 1.8, Nov 2012, the most efficient way to append a list of jQuery elements to the DOM is by simply passing the array to jQuery.append. Please ignore out-of-date posts on the web that say otherwise. read full post…
The optimizely website does not support unarchiving a goal. Here’s a quick and dirty way to do it with their API and cURL. read full post…
After a great run at Hunch and then eBay, I left to find a new startup in NYC. read full post…

Peter Coles

Peter Coles

is a software engineer who lives in NYC, works at Ringly, and blogs here.
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