The luxury advanced Web browser, with beautiful text on par with pro level


Free | Windows Vista / 7 / 8

Zip | Release Notes

The luxury of being able to browse the Web
with beautiful, easy-to-read text

The thousands of characters you read today have really all been made beautiful

If you are browsing the Web every day, then there isn't a day when any page isn't seeing text. Web browsers that display this text are actually "a tool for reading text". So, the designer at Fenrir Inc. undertook the challenge to make the text you meet the most all the time beautifully drawn. Making text on all pages beautiful will make the entire world of the Web you see from now on a more beautiful place.

Have you ever seen jagged text
outside of your PC or old video games?

Do you think viewing jagged text on your PC is just expected. With the evolution of display performance, the age where PC text has to be rough dots has long gone. Regardless of this, text in everyday browsers is like that of a retro video game. With the emergence of Sleipnir, you can finally browse the Web with modern-like beautiful text on your PC too.

Beauty on par with professional graphics tools
is expected in Sleipnir

In order to most bring out the beauty and ease of reading originally found in text, Sleipnir uses its independently modified font rendering. The display you can tell apart with a glance seems as if the finishing touches of a pro using graphics tools. Browsing the Web with beautiful, easy-to-read text is a real luxury on a PC, but with Sleipnir it is expected.

Please compare it right away with the browsers until now

You should now be able to realize just how simple text has become to read.
There is no reason to go back to the jagged text of the previous age.

Next isDesign with purpose down to the last pixel

Fast and durable Blink engine

Sleipnir implements the Blink engine also used in Google Chrome, so it is overwhelmingly fast and durable.
Windows only

Chrome Function Extensibility

The rich function extensibility of Google Chrome can be used the same in Sleipnir. Please feel free to select the Extensions of your choice.
Windows only

Web Inspector

Web Inspector is a powerful Web development tool. It can inspect structure and scripts in Web pages and modify them.

Retina Display Support

On the Mac with its Retina display, extremely smooth and delicate screen display is brought to life.
Mac only

Security and Privacy

Sleipnir implements the Blink engine also used in Google Chrome, so it is overwhelmingly fast and durable.

Import in 10 sec.

Import bookmarks and more from other browsers like IE and Google Chrome, and start browsing right away.

Add Search Services

Search fields from a variety of Web sites such as Wikipedia and Amazon can be added to Sleipnir.

Sync Bookmarks

Sync bookmarks with Sleipnir on different devices such as iPhone and iPad, Android, Mac and PC.

About Previous Version

The ultimately advanced Web browser Sleipnir 6 is installed newly on your computer. The Sleipnir you have been until now is not touched so you can keep using it after installation. Furthermore, you can import bookmarks, history and more from previous versions and other browsers.

Download the previous version

Sleipnir 5



Sleipnir 4



Sleipnir 3



How do you like Sleipnir for Windows? Your feedback and support messages are more than welcome. Please let us know functions you like and you would like us to apply for the future updates. Thank you.

* Please do not include any personal information such as your name/address/tel/Email. For our privacy policy, please refer here.

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