== Upcoming (unreleased currently ;-))) release Patch to disable optionally gamma-correction in graphics mode (which is really unnecessary for LCDs) - reduces memory usage and floating-point operations, which is critical for some handhelds. Patch by D. Phaneendra Kumar Keybinding for opening new tab is added - Ctrl+T DreamCast console support (framebuffer + joystick). Patch by VINCENT C?dric Tabbar menu (right mouse button on tabbar). Contains 'New tab' and 'Close tab' currently. No-proxy-for support, ported from ELinks. == 030709 release HTTP Proxy Auth ported from ELinks. Tab operations speedup - now we open/close tabs a bit faster. Default charset fixed, now we understand iso8859-1 as well as iso-8859-1. Some things ported from 2.1pre11, including non-aggressive cache. Mouse wheel support for textmode X terminals, ported from ELinks. Two new options for tabs added - whether to switch to next or prev tab on tab close and whether to make new tab active (ala Mozilla' "Open links in background") Hunt for memleaks; a lot of small fixes; some possible segfault cases fixed. Experimental support for '' (Alt+Left/Right in graphical mode too) and close current tab with 'c'. And tabbar is here too (can be turned off). Save Form Data patch from John accepted and improved a bit. Improvements in keyboard navigation - now CTRL+(LEFT|RIGHT|UP|DOWN) in 'standard' mode acts like these keys without CTRL in 'keyboard navigation' mode. Dummy JavaScript handler added for the folks who prefer not to compile Twibright js engine (like me ;-)). This engine is moved to separate dir (next step must be to delete it completely and replace with something really working ;-)) Option to prevent local file overwriting is introduced (by default on). Ported from ELinks. So (if turned on) it will ask you whether to overwrite existing file, save new file with alternative name or cancel downloading. Didn't checked well... Minor bug in images "alt" attribute text displaying is fixed (sometimes they were displayed in incorrect codepage - another Twibright Bug (c) ;-)) Support for 'glinks' as symbolic link to 'links', acts as 'links -g'. Fix for active image frame flickering. == 030316 release Keyboard navigation in graphical mode is here! (adapted from 2.1pre9). You can turn it on/off by pressing 'K' (ministatus entry is added for it too) or using new options system. Also we underline links under mouse now ;-) Some improvements are ported from 2.1pre9. Inconsistency in '+/-' (closed/open) drawing in listedit is fixed. PDF support (and pdflib dependency) is removed. Printing will be implemented through postscript (not yet). 'Link' menu is restored in graphical mode. Now you can turn blocking of images completely off (as it causes some problems with empty lists). Default is off. Minor change in input fields behavior in graphical mode - now ESC escapes you from it. First step towards keyboard navigation ;-) Transparency support for text terminals, configurable through new options system (by default on). Fix for pngconf.h compilation problem (hope it will work ;-). Patch by Witold. == 030113 release Default fontset is updated for new build system. You need to download it again ;-). Font names are changed (due to copyright issues, idea by aludal) to default-[medium/bold]-[roman/italic]-serif-[mono/vari]. Some additional files reorganization - now we haven't graphics/ dir anymore, font/ and utils/ instead. All utils/ programs are included in main build process (rasterizer, arrow and generate_font only; all other twibright stuff look too hackish and unusable for non-czech people ;-)). Files arrow.inc (for framebuffer and svgalib) and font_include.c are now generated automatically from utils/arrow.png and font/*. If we haven't font/ dir we'll try to download and untar it automatically ;-) Some build process fixes - patches by Pasky, Witold and me. Clipboard pasting is redone (inspired by Stanson' patch). Now copying/pasting handling is completely outside of graphics drivers. Currently pasting is middle mouse button (without shift, as it was completely useless) or Ctrl+V (will be configurable as soon as I port keys rebinding ;-)). Hey, can anyone write clipboard backend for gpm? Now we draw an empty rectangle instead of a space for non-existent chars Now it is possible to delete external fonts with font manager. It is more or less usable now ;-) External fonts saving order fixed - last added is still upper after save/reload cycle == 021225 release New fontset released, with slightly modified format (structure names are changed). Simple rasterizer fot unicode ttf fonts included (graphics/rasterizer) to make builtin font pngs. system_font dir removed at last - we just print empty space instead of ugly 'unknown-char-replacer'. Font subsystem is modularized and simple FreeType backend is added (old builtin fonts still here, of course, but I changed its format a bit - so you need to download and compile new fontset!!!) - so now you may use any unicode truetype font (Type1 etc will not work most probably - they are not in unicode, AFAIK). Simple font manager implemented - you may find it by pressing Ctrl+I (yes, it MUST be accessible through menu, but not yet). Code is still very dirty and need to be cleaned up. Probably fixed bug with empty blocklist Bug in options editing fixed Content-Encoding (gzip and bzip2) support - stolen from ELinks, as usual ;-) Configurable mini-status - you may turn on and see in the right-bottom corner of your screen numbers of 'connecting' and 'running' connections, status of images loading (on/off) and SSL status (secure/insecure) Problem with multiline - it was too wide. Introduced strlen_utf8() for such cases. Terrible bug with bookmark resaving (causing your bookmarks to disappear sometimes) was fixed . Compilation fixes related to pdflib. == 021215 release Simple printing support implemented... It is VERY simple - we make PDF file (through pdflib) with text only (just a rectangles instead of images), and with PDF internal fonts only (don't even try to print non-latin-1 texts!!!) - but we have more-or-less correct layout and page breakings. Full-text selection! Now it works perfectly (really there are some issues with tags, but all the others are ok) Radiobuttons by Alexander Udalov, checkboxes by Josef 'Jupp' Schugt and form buttons by me - Now we look like real graphical browser ;-)) Default fontset is updated - download it! Now it is time to extend our functionality... Ok,
now works more or less sane - it shows correct sizes at least, but still in pseudographics. Simple mini-status - just a 2 numbers in a lower right corner, showing current numbers of 'connecting' and 'running' connections. Will be configurable, but not yet... == 021210 release Another useless UI improvement - no more text-alike buttons, checkboxes and textfields - all of these are more-or-less graphical. Still ugly ;-((( Waiting for artistic inspiration from someone else. Default document colors and homepage url are configurable now. It looks like options saving and loading works now ;-)) Of course, it is still very ugly... Let's give the first try for new options system - now toolbar buttons visibility is configurable through it ;-)) No options saving/loading yet... == 021208 release I began to implement new options system - no results yet ;-) Fixed listbox widget - now it is possible do edit lists with fixed topology - options will be such list, where user can only change values, but not names nor position ;-)) Fonts excluded from main package - you must download separate tarball or use your current if upgrade LDAP bookmarks support added - thanks John See contrib/ldap/README for details Bug in X-selection paste code fixed. It was impossible to paste selection from one window to another. I've ported at last correct header date parsing from ELinks - so now we have cookies saving support the same as in ELinks Fixed backspace and delete in dialog fields - it didn't know anything about UTF-8 internal representation Reverted to old menu scrolling code - it works at least ;-) Now we fork at startup of first graphical session to be more consistent with the behavior of default 'remote links execution'. Fixed bug with remote connections (default state of links, we try to open new window of an existing instance if -no-connect not set) - new window was opened by session with id=1, so if we close it we became blind ;-) Oops, 'stop' didn't stop host lookups... Fixed. == 021206 release Now we have 'real' Stop button - it kills only connections of current screen (I hope ;-)) Kill-all-connections is now in main menubar, near kill-background-connctions, where it must be. Fixed bug with Home button - there was unchecked mem_free() causing segfault if you don't have WWW_HOME set === 021205 release Now this buttonbar is more-or-less configurable. Without any user-interface, of course ;-))) hope it will appear some day. It is possible to turn buttons on/off in the beginning of view_gr.c (int show_button_*=1/0). It uses symbols from internal font (located in system-roman-serif-vari/ dir): \x2 - back, \x3 - history (single list for path and future, it seems working ok and I will not change it without serious reason) \x4 - reload, \x5 - forward, \x6 - bookmarks, \x7 - home (homepage url is, of course, in your shell WWW_HOME), \x8 - Stop (currently kills ALL connections in all windows including downloads, I'll change it soon to more reasonable behavior, I hope). Currently we have one char for one button - if you want to change it - change corresponding #default's at the end of setup.h. There is no spaces between buttons on toolbar, so you need to include it to pixmaps. There is no way currently to change buttons order (except for changing it in the code ;-))) Also DirectFB backend is added - thanks Sven Neumann === Initial release: - Lua scripting - ported from Links-Lua, not from current elinks code, but the differences are not so sensitive, I hope. - HTTP Auth - stable, ported form Elinks - Blocking of images - my own code ;-). You may block images containing given substring (of course, it is better to use regexps, but this way is more portable). Just press '-' to edit the list of blocked patterns. Info is saved to main config file. - Cookies saving - simply saving, as I'm too lazy (and I really don't need it ;-)) to port correct http header parsing... - Possibility to open new windows instead of new links instances in graphics mode - new socket is created with name 'glinks' in links dir, instead of 'links' for text instances, so they can work independently. After that command 'links -g' works like 'mozilla -remote', simply opening new instances from currently running one. But it has some limitations - these new windows will open on the same display as original one... - Url copying - some code from Ludvik Tezar' patch, but the backend is organized more cleanly - there are two additional fields in struct graphics_driver - put_to_clipboard and get_from_clipboard. Only X11 backend is functional now, as I don't use others ;-) - Some kind of selection for rendered text - it's just a quick hack really. Now it is possible to select-and-copy-to-clipboard text line-by-line - you j ust press left mouse button and move it over text parts (really - over g_object_text structures) you want. These parts are visually selected (invert style) of course during the selection. As the internal text representation is UTF-8, there is a config option (accessible through setup menu) to select codepage for clipboard. This sort of selection looks strange for the first time, but it works and is very useful sometimes. - Extended 'toolbar' - there are currently back '<-', reload 'R', bookmarks 'B' and kill-all-connections 'S' buttons. Last function has also a shortcut - 'a'. It kills ALL (not only background) connections. Also, ugly 'classical' black-bar-on-white status bar was fixed ;-)) - Some small but useful improvements - support for and tags, keybinding ("i") to turn on/off images, possibility to show HTTP header ("|", as in Elinks) - Extended set of fonts - italic support for variable width fonts, and not-so-ugly-as-currently cyrillic characters set ;-)