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Important concepts for working with PPAPI.
Updated Sep 14, 2010 by [email protected]

Levels of the API

The lowest level of the API is the C API, which is declared in the header files in ppapi/c. This represents the lowest level binary interface between a plugin and the browser.

For convenience, a simple C++ wrapper is provided in ppapi/cpp for managing many of the basic tasks of writing a plugin. Most plugin authors will want to use this wrapper if you're using C++. It is written strictly on top of the C API and all the source code will be contained in your plugin. The C++ wrapper is not a binary interface to the browser.


The basic concept of PPAPI is the interface. In C, this is just a collection of function pointers associated with some similar concept. Interfaces are identified by a name, and should remain stable over time. If additions are necessary in the future, they can be added by creating a "Interface2" with the additions.

This scheme allows the browser and the plugin to implement different capabilities and versions of interfaces over time. For example, a plugin may want clipboard functionality provided on a Clipboard interface. If the browser supports working with the clipboard, it will return a pointer to the associated function pointers when queried with the interface name. If it doesn't support such operations, it will return NULL and the plugin will have to degrade. Likewise, a plugin may prefer a newer function on a Clipboard2 interface. When run under an older browser, only Clipboard might be available and the plugin will have to make do.

Both the plugin and the browser expose a void* GetInterface(const char* name) function for the other to call to access functionality.


The prefix "PP" is used to help prevent naming collisions, which stands for "Pepper Plugin." Common structs have a PP_ prefix, for example, PP_Var for representing a JavaScript variable, or PP_Rect for describing a rectangle.

Interfaces are named according to who implements them. Interfaces implemented by the browser are prefixed by "PPB" where "B" stands for browser. Interfaces implemented by the plugin are prefixed by "PPP" where "P" stands for plugin. Examples include the PPB_Core interface which is a collection of core interfaces implemented by the browser and used by the plugin, and the PPP_Class interface which the plugin implements to provide an object accessible to JavaScript in the browser.

In some cases, there might be both a browser and a plugin interface for the same concept. For example, PPP_Instance represents the plugin functions the browser calls related to a certain instance. This interface is how things like mouse click events are delivered to the plugin. On the other side, the plugin will call PPB_Instance which the browser implements to allow the plugin to manipulate its instance.

Loading and identifying a plugin

A plugin is identified by a PP_Module (in the C API) or pp::Module (in the C++ API). This corresponds to one time a plugin library is loaded into a browser. There might be multiple plugins of different types loaded at the same time.

A PP_Instance (in the C API) or pp::Instance (in the C++ API) identifies one instance of a plugin, which is one time the page specifies <embed>. There may be several instances of a plugin on a page. In this case, there will be one "module" and several "instances" within that module. If a plugin is used across several pages, it is up to the browser whether it loads one global module with many instances, or separate modules for each page. In Google Chrome, for example, there will be one separate module for each renderer process, which may in turn correspond to one tab, or multiple tabs, depending on the process model and how the tabs were opened.


A PP_Var (in the C API) or pp::Var (in the C++ API) represents an object for binding to JavaScript or the DOM. It can represent boolean types, numeric values, strings, and generic JavaScript-type objects. It can be most convenient to think of a var as a JavaScript variable, which doesn't have a predefined type associated with it.

Vars are used extensively for interacting with the DOM and for passing generic values around. See interfacing with JavaScript for more information on these types.


While a PP_Var or pp::Var represents a JavaScript object or value, a resource (PP_Resource or pp::Resource) represents an object managed exclusively within the plugin layer. Examples include audio devices, images, and drawing contexts. The resource value is an opaque handle assigned by the browser that identifies the object.

A resource is reference counted much like a PP_Var. The browser will keep the object alive so long as the reference count is nonzero. When the reference count reaches zero, it will be deleted.

Typical PP_Resource usage

Typically, a resource of one type is managed using one interface. A typical example of a resource interface is ImageData, which provides:

  • A Create function to create an image resource. The returned resources automatically has a reference count of 1. The plugin is responsible for eventually calling PPB_Core.ReleaseResource to release this reference. On error, the creation function will return a resource with a 0 id, which is an invalid resource handle.
  • An IsImageData function to querying the type of a resource. The browser internally maintains a type for each resource, although the PP_Resource struct does not carry an inherent type. In normal usage, a plugin will know the type of its resources since it will have created them, but in some cases, such as for debugging purposes, a plugin will want to check the type.
  • Then the interface will contain functions specifically for working with resources of that type. These functions will generally fail if provided a PP_Resource identifying a non-ImageData object.
Comment by [email protected], Feb 24, 2012

Gratula amiert a fos gugli a ceges melot open projectnek probalja feltuntetni. Meglepo modon csak sajat dolgozok vettek benne reszt es 2010 ota keresik a megfelelo helyet az oldalnak ;o). Korrekt. Akkor inkabb ne legyen flash pluginem es toroltem az ocska kromot.

Comment by [email protected], Aug 31, 2014

Chrome (Pepper-basierter Flash Player)

Comment by [email protected], Nov 24, 2015

Thank you for the information brother, I got a new science after reading the article's brother

Comment by [email protected], Dec 21, 2015

I am very happy to read an article on this website, this article is very satisfying for the reader, thanks for the enlightenment that has been described in this article.

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