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Web technology reference

The open Web is built using a number of technologies. Below you'll find links to our reference material for each of them.

Core Web technologies


HyperText Markup Language is the language used to describe and define the content of a Web page in a structured format.
Cascading Style Sheets are used to describe the appearance of Web content.



JavaScript is the programming language that runs in the browser, used to build advanced interactive Web sites and applications.

Web APIs
Reference material for each of the individual APIs that comprise the Web's powerful scriptability, including the DOM and all of the related APIs and interfaces you can use to build Web content and apps.


Scalable Vector Graphics let you describe images as sets of vectors (lines) and shapes in order to allow them to scale smoothly regardless of the size at which they're drawn.
WebGL brings 3D graphics to the Web by introducing an API that closely conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0, and which can be used in HTML <canvas> elements.


The Mathematical Markup Language makes it possible to display complex mathematical equations and syntax.

This page is not complete.

This page is meant to be the landing page for the "Web Platform Reference"; this would offer links to the landing pages for each of the APIs that comprise the Web platform (but would not itself have subpages).


Document Tags and Contributors

Contributors to this page: MR-AMIR, mg1, Sheppy, Nickolay, kscarfone, kunal_dhir, pablofiumara, Yogesh_GS
Last updated by: MR-AMIR,