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Archived Conceptual Content

This section contains topics that have been archived and are no longer actively maintained. The features described in this section fall into one of several categories:

  • The feature is obsolete; that is, it is no longer supported in the latest version of Windows Internet Explorer.
  • The feature is deprecated; that is, it has been replaced by new features. Applications using these features might continue to work in the latest version of Internet Explorer; however, no guarantee is made regarding continued support in any future versions of the browser.
  • The information in the article was originally written with respect to an earlier version of Internet Explorer and no longer reflects common design principles or best practices.

Information in this section is provided as-is, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the latest version of Internet Explorer. It is provided as a service for research purposes.

In this section


Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Articles

This section contains articles that describe Dynamic HTML (DHTML), a Internet Explorer feature similar to the Document Object Model (DOM) specified by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Earlier Versions of Internet Explorer

These articles detail changes to earlier versions of Internet Explorer.

HTML Character Sets

Character sets determine how the bytes that represent the text of your HTML document are translated to readable characters. Internet Explorer interprets the bytes in your document according to the applied character set translations.




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