Web Apps

Web apps news, trends, analysis and practical advice

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facebook news feed options

Facebook gives users more ways to filter their feeds

Facebook is giving users more options to control what content they see in their feeds.

00a 44fe multiplatform

20 great productivity apps for Android, iOS, and the Web

These 20 essential apps work on all three platforms, helping you stay productive no matter what device you or your co-workers use

google calendar

Google updates Calendar with closer tie-in to Gmail

Google today rolled out a new version of its Calendar app, connecting it more closely with Gmail and designing it to work more like a personal assistant.

doctor healthcare

Google includes traditional official data for tracking flu

Finding that aggregate Web searches alone cannot provide an accurate assessment of where the flu has struck and its severity, Google will take into account data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in its Google...

Outlook for Mac 15

Microsoft teases Office for Mac with Outlook-only release

Microsoft today took the unusual move of releasing a new version of Outlook for the Mac months before the rest of the Office suite will be ready.

Update: Microsoft slates Office 16 for second half of 2015

Microsoft will launch its next version of Office for Windows in the second half of 2015, according to an online report.

Google apps Android

Google enlists PwC to push Apps, Android, cloud computing to businesses

Google has struck a partnership with PwC in which the global provider of consulting services will recommend to its customers the Apps suite, Android devices and the Google cloud computing platform.

Office 365 migration path

Office 365 consumer revenue lags behind subscription growth

Microsoft's Office 365 "rent-not-buy" consumer software service gained 1.5 million subscribers in the September quarter, but revenues failed to follow suit.

gmailicon greenbot

Why Google wants to replace Gmail

Gmail represents a dying class of products that, like Google Reader, puts control in the hands of users, not signal-harvesting algorithms.


Facebook, Yahoo prevent use of recycled email addresses to hijack accounts

A new mechanism helps email servers determine if a message was intended for a recycled account's previous owner

Inbox google

One missed email and Google Inbox will be in trouble

People may feel overwhelmed by the deluge of email arriving in their inboxes, but will they trust Google to show them the most important messages?

Facebook Rooms app

Facebook hopes to get people talking with Rooms app

Facebook is going old school, with a stand-alone app for discussion boards aimed at letting users talk about shared interests without having to use their real names.

Inbox Google Gmail

Hands on with Inbox, Google's new way to experience Gmail

Google's Inbox is a fresh and modern approach to email -- but does it make managing your messages easier or more complex?


Google rethinks webmail with Inbox

Google is taking another crack at email overload, but this time it's resorting to drastic measures, developing a new product apparently built from scratch without relying on Gmail.

Your online TV watching is now being tracked across devices

Showing all viewers the same commercial six minutes into, say, an episode of "Modern Family" might soon be over. If you're watching it online.

google privacy

Six browser plug-ins that protect your privacy

Privacy is a real concern for users these days. We review six browser plug-ins that offer privacy protection -- and a way to avoid ads.

renault reuters oct2014

Renault to roll out Salesforce globally to put it ‘in the driver's seat of change'

Renault will use a combination of three Salesforce products to link dealerships with customer information for better service.

Google apps Android

Google adds online chat to Apps support options

Apps admins will be able to communicate with Google tech support staffers via online chat, complementing other existing options, including phone calls.

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