
Networking news, trends, analysis and practical advice

Google Fiber will soon be offered in Austin
google antitrust

FCC chairman offers no timeline for net neutrality decision

The FCC has no public timeline for voting on proposed net neutrality rules, despite pressure from President Barack Obama and some net neutrality advocates.

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Apple delivers another Yosemite beta as Wi-Fi issues persist

Apple has come out with a second beta of Mac OS X Yosemite for developers, but it's not clear whether this latest build will address the Wi-Fi problems that continue to affect an undetermined but apparently substantial number of...

windows wifi

How to set up 802.1X client settings in Windows

802.1X provides security for wired and Wi-Fi networks

cruise ship

The Quantum of the Seas is a floating heaven for tech geeks at sea

Royal Caribbean's tech-laden Quantum of the Seas is almost as long as the Empire State Building is tall. But it's the cruise ship's technology that make the inner geek salivate.

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7 great open source monitoring tools

Seeking greater visibility into your network? Look no further than these excellent free tools.

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EFF, Mozilla back new authority that will offer free SSL certificates

A new organization supported by Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and others is working to set up a new certificate authority that will provide website owners with free SSL/TLS certificates.

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Why AT&T and Sprint just announced business conferencing services

Two separate business conferencing services announcements from AT&T; and Sprint on Tuesday highlight the radically changing business models at U.S. wireless carriers.

Alcatel-Lucent virtualizes WANs and routers

Alcatel-Lucent’s Nuage Networks SDN venture broadens product line to tackle enterprise WANs, an increasingly vital market for the technology.

Telephone tax increase part of FCC chairman's plan for Internet fund

A proposed 16-cent fee increase on your telephone bill would go toward improving Internet access for kids in school and libraries.

net neutrality macworld

Net neutrality proposal could lead to broadband taxes, opponents say

President Obama's call for the Federal Communications Commission to pass net neutrality rules by reclassifying broadband as a regulated public utility is a bad idea that could raise broadband prices by 16 percent or more, a parade of...

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FCC seeks fiber-optic delay data from AT&T

The Federal Communications Commission on Friday formally requested that AT&T; provide all documents and data related to its planned fiber-optic cable buildouts nationwide.

Facebook low tide

Facebook's Iowa data center goes modular to keep pace with growth

The traffic inside Facebook's data centers is growing so fast that the company's changing the basic architecture of its networks to keep up.

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Online video moguls team up to set standards, meet growing demand

Some of the most powerful companies in video networks and delivery plan to define an open architecture for streaming video as part of a new alliance that includes Cisco Systems, Comcast, Ustream and Yahoo, but not Netflix or YouTube.

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AT&T sees delays on fiber rollouts of 'two to three years'

AT&T; CEO Randall Stephenson today implied it could be two or three years before AT&T; starts investing again in fiber optic network rollouts while it waits for net neutrality rules to be settled.

Who wins the net neutrality debate? Google, of course

ISPs and carriers don't want to be regulated. Content providers don't want to be throttled. Welcome to the net neutrality debate, where either side could lose and one company looks like a winner no matter what happens,

Microsoft will use Aorato buy to boost Active Directory protection

Microsoft plans to beef up Active Directory's security with machine learning technology from Aorato, the startup firm it has acquired.

cicso ceo john chambers

Cisco joins chorus against Obama's net neutrality plan

Add Cisco Systems to the list of companies saying that regulating ISPs to insure net neutrality would hurt business.

obama net neutrality fcc title ii

Obama misses the elephant in the net-neutrality room

President Barack Hussein Obama II wants FCC to do Title II. But, as ever, it doesn't address the real issue with the USA's broadband. In IT Blogwatch, bipartisan bloggers bury Barry.

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