
Internet news, trends, analysis and practical advice

Google Fiber will soon be offered in Austin
Slack app

google antitrust

Breaking up Google is one possible antritrust option, EU lawmakers say

Breaking up Google by separating its search engine from other commercial services is only one of the actions the European Commission could take to resolve the company's antitrust problems, say members of Parliament who are proposing...


EU eyes a break-up of Google

Members of the European Parliament are readying a motion calling for the break-up of Google, by separating its search engine functionality from other commercial services

programming languages C++ Java PHP .Net Python JavaScript

Facebook's alternative PHP engine attracts Web service providers

Some large Internet services are pressing Facebook's open-source PHP runtime engine into production after being impressed with the performance metrics for the alternative to the ubiquitous open-source PHP package used across the Web.

mozilla firefox san francisco

Mozilla reports flat revenue from Google-Firefox search deal

Mozilla today said that revenue last year from its deal with Google was flat compared to 2012, as was its income overall. But expenses jumped by 42%.

Google and Rockstar settle lawsuit over Nortel patents

Google has agreed to settle a patent lawsuit brought by Rockstar, a patent company that had earlier acquired a large number of patents from Nortel Networks.

Hacking stealing password data.

Governments hit back against webcam-snooping websites

Government officials in the U.S. and the UK are warning people to secure their webcams after sites that broadcast the contents of those cameras sprung up online.

website laptop

Google: Would you pay to not see ads on favorite websites?

Would you trade ads for a monthly payment? Google wants users to rethink the way their favorite websites are funded.


Mozilla tells Google, it’s not you (anymore), it’s Yahoo

Mozilla on Wednesday announced that it had not renewed its lucrative contract with Google, and will instead use Yahoo as Firefox's default search engine in the U.S.


Firefox drops Google like a BAD HABIT

"Yahoo + Firefox" -- this was found yesterday, freshly carved on a tree trunk in Sunnyvale, California. Years ago, similar marks were found on a tree in nearby Mountain View, but those read "Google + Firefox."

google privacy

This is how Google handles 'right to be forgotten' requests

Google is employing a team of lawyers, engineers and paralegals who have so far evaluated more than half a million URLs European citizens want delisted from search results.

Scam definition

Court shuts down tech support 'scams' targeted by FTC

A federal court in Florida has temporarily shut down two "massive" telemarketing operations that allegedly conned tens of thousands of consumers out of millions of dollars by tricking them into fixing nonexistent computer errors.


Twitter's new SUPER SEARCH takes to the air

Social network service Twitter has improved its search engine, allowing users to search through Twitter's entire index of tweets. This represents a vast improvement over the old engine, limited to searching through content less than a...

google search redesign

Google to label 'mobile friendly' websites

In the next few weeks, Google will start to label websites that render well on mobile devices and is considering giving that label weight as a search rank signal, the company said Tuesday.

facebook app

Facebook’s new Groups app helps you separate your friends

The social network has launched a Facebook Groups app designed to help people share more easily with all their groups.

twitter business

Now you can search every tweet that was ever sent

Twitter is enabling users to search through its massive index of roughly half a trillion public tweets.

Mobile phone data privacy.

Apple, Microsoft, Google and others join push against government spying

Ten top tech companies have signed onto an open letter backing legislation that would prevent the bulk collection of Internet metadata by government agencies.

chrome logo

Chrome for OS X turns 64-bit, forsakes early Intel Macs

Google today released Chrome 39, the company's first 64-bit browser for OS X from its "stable" channel.

WhatsApp on iOS

WhatsApp adds end-to-end encryption to message service

Ramping up efforts to keep its customers' messages safe from snooping, WhatsApp said Tuesday that it now supports end-to-end encryption for messages sent between users. The end-to-end encryption comes thanks to a collaboration...

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