High Performance Computing (HPC)

High performance computing news, trends, analysis and practical advice

Wide-angle view of the ALMA correlator, one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.

Coming by 2023, an exascale supercomputer in the U.S.

The U.S. has set 2023 as the target date for producing the next great leap in supercomputing, if its plans aren't thwarted by two presidential and four Congressional elections between now and then.

Top500 Supercomputer race loses momentum

The twice-yearly Top500 listing of the world's most powerful supercomputers has grown nearly stagnant of late.

Nvidia reaches high on graphics performance with Tesla K80

Nvidia's PC graphics chips may draw all the attention, but supercomputing chips are driving the company's GPU technology ahead.

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Intel says its supercomputing chips won't suffer Larrabee's fate

Intel introduced its latest Xeon Phi chip Monday, in what seems to be an effort to prove that its supercomputing chips aren't just a flash in the pan.

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Intel turns to light beams to speed up supercomputers

Intel will start using light pulses next year to move data at blistering speeds in supercomputers, yielding potentially massive advances in high-performance computing.

Titan supercomputer

U.S. sets sights on 300 petaflop supercomputer

U.S. officials announced plans to spend $325 million on two new supercomputers, one of which may eventually be built to support speeds of up to 300 petaflops, faster than any supercomputer running today.

IBM shares plans for supercomputing future

IBM plans to load future supercomputers with more co-processors and accelerators to increase computing speed and power efficiency.

U.S. Congress Washington DC

GOP takeover in Congress could bode ill for supercomputing and science

The GOP-controlled Congress of 2015 may turn a skeptical eye to more spending in areas like basic research and supercomputing.

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Cleveland Clinic uses IBM's Watson in the cloud to fight cancer

The Cleveland Clinic is beginning a pilot program with a cloud service based on IBM's Watson cognitive computing technology to aid its research into new cancer treatments.

quantum researchers

Researchers use silicon to push quantum computing toward reality

Researchers in Australia have developed silicon-wrapped quantum technology that could solve problems that have held back the development of the ultrafast computers.

IBM Watson analytics

With chip fabs gone, IBM's hardware future will be in high-end design

IBM may have sold off its chip manufacturing business, but don't count it out as a hardware force to be reckoned with. It still plans to fight on, developing faster computers and cognitive computing systems like Watson.

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HPC upgrade produces high-resolution storm forecasts

The weather model now outputs every 15 minutes versus the previous hourly rate, and at a much finer level of detail.

Fujitsu to design Japanese exascale supercomputer

The machine may hit 1 quintillion calculations per second in 2020.

Cray aims to stay in big leagues with upgraded XC40 supercomputer

Cray's XC40 will be used in the U.S. Department of Energy's Trinity and other supercomputers.


HP claims ''FIRST'' with 64-bit ARM servers

One in the eye for Dell -- Project Moonshot adds new blade types: HP's customizable server chassis 'n' cartridge range is getting interesting. Now it offers a 64-bit ARM unit, optimized for Web cache and HPC workloads. HP claims it's...


Welcome to the age of pervasive supercomputing

The emergence of supercomputing in everyday life will require a new kind of literacy that will allow us to appreciate what the technology can — and can’t — do.

Total chooses Linux for its supercomputer

Oil giant using enterprise Linux from SUSE to run its high-performance computing environment.

IBM uses Watson as part of new cloud service

IBM is making its artificially intelligent computer system, Watson, available to researchers as a cloud service

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