Data Security

Data security news, trends, analysis and practical advice

Data Security
national security agency headquarters fort meade maryland

Apple Pay’s security pros and cons

Taking credit card numbers out of transactions is a helpful step that could alleviate the risk of giant data breaches, but that doesn’t mean the bad guys are going to give up and become accountants.


Why Apple, Microsoft and others reject NSA spying

Unfettered state surveillance could damage some of America’s biggest brands — in its present form you could almost call it anti-American.

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Getting your board’s buy-in on cybersecurity

You don’t want your first discussion about cybersecurity with your company’s board to happen post-breach.

PCI Council looks to stem data breaches after bad year

The PCI Security Standards Council is hoping that emerging security technologies will help prevent breaches that made this year one of the worst ever.

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U.S. Postal Service suffers breach of employee, customer data

A U.S. Postal Service data breach has potentially compromised the personal information of 800,000 employees, as well as some customers who contacted the government service.


BrowserStack hacked: Attacker sends email to customers alleging shoddy security

After a hacker sent email to BrowserStack customers that claimed the company had no firewalls in place, stored passwords in plain text and other shoddy security practices, BrowserStack admitted it was hacked. Yet the company claims...

Google releases tool to test apps and devices for SSL/TLS weaknesses

The tool simulates man-in-the-middle attacks to detect SSL/TLS vulnerabilities and implementation issues


IT pros turn a blind eye to file sharing practices, report says

Sixty-one percent have shared files through unencrypted email accounts.

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USB is now UEC (use with extreme caution)

USB is an acronym for Universal Serial Bus; at least that is what it has stood for since 1999 when it was patented. But now it may take on a new meaning and instead stand for Ultimate Security Breakdown.

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Microsoft releases stopgap POODLE protection for Internet Explorer

Microsoft gave Windows customers an easier way to block attacks against Internet Explorer meant to steal browser session cookies and impersonate victims.


Detoured by Shellshock and Poodle

As our manager tries to assess the risks he needs to mitigate at his new company, a couple of major vulnerabilities turn up to distract him.

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For big raises in IT, look to mobile, security, big data

IT salaries will remain mostly stagnant in 2015, except for workers with highly coveted skill sets, according to a report tracking IT salaries and skills demand in the coming years.

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Backoff malware linked to data breaches is spreading

The number of computers in North America infected by the Backoff malware has risen sharply.

Researcher creates proof-of-concept worm for network-attached storage devices

Network-attached storage (NAS) devices are riddled with vulnerabilities that can put the security of sensitive data and networks at risk, a researcher has found. To prove his point, he has created a proof-of-concept worm that can...

national security agency headquarters fort meade maryland

Can the iPhone 6 really defeat the NSA?

There are loopholes in Apple’s claim, and law enforcement’s outrage seems disingenuous.

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Researcher builds system to protect against malicious insiders

When an employee turns on his own company, the results -- damaged networks, data theft and even work stoppage -- could be devastating. Virginia Tech's Daphne Yao hopes the algorithms she's working on can stop that kind of attack.

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What to consider when choosing a password manager

Many security experts think passwords are no longer sufficient to keep online accounts safe from hackers. But we're still a long way from widespread adoption of biometrics and alternatives.

IT industry group slams burdens imposed by proposed EU privacy policy

A proposal by EU justice ministers to relax data protection rules for low-risk personal data doesn't go far enough, industry lobbyists say.

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