Data Center

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A service interruption on Azure storage services late Tuesday was caused by Microsoft's attempts to roll out a performance update.
Intel plans to ship 3D NAND flash chips next year that will allow it to cram more bits into solid-state storage.
Wide-angle view of the ALMA correlator, one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world.
The U.S. has set 2023 as the target date for producing the next great leap...
Novel molecules could help flash memory move beyond its storage limits, allowing for massive amounts of data to be recorded in small spaces.
Qualcomm wants to enter the server market and will tap expertise in China to build the low-power chips it needs.
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Seeking greater visibility into your network? Look no further than these...
The twice-yearly Top500 listing of the world's most powerful...
Alcatel-Lucent’s Nuage Networks SDN venture broadens product line to tackle enterprise WANs, an increasingly vital market for the technology.
Nvidia's PC graphics chips may draw all the attention, but supercomputing chips are driving the company's GPU technology ahead.
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