
Cyberwarfare news, trends, analysis and practical advice

regin malware diagram

Symantec IDs sophisticated 'Regin' malware

Symantec researchers have come across a particularly sophisticated piece of malware, called "Regin" that was likely developed by a nation state and has been used for spying for more than six years.

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NSA chief worries most about cyberattacks on industrial systems

Hackers are targeting critical U.S. infrastructure, making defense of those networks a top priority, NSA chief Admiral Mike Rogers said Thursday.

Security alert for incoming threats.

Intel and Europol team up to fight cybercrime

Intel's McAfee security branch and European law enforcement will exchange technical information and non-operational data related to cybercrime.


Anonymous wages cyberwar on the KKK with #OpKKK & #HoodsOff

Anonymous has been waging cyberwar on the KKK after the hate group said it would use 'lethal force' on Ferguson protesters. The KKK threatened to shoot anyone wearing a Guy Fawkes (Anonymous) mask. The FBI warned there will likely be...

Senate's NSA reform push wins plaudits from tech, digital rights groups

Several technology and digital rights groups have praised a U.S. Senate move toward legislation to rein in the National Security Agency's domestic telephone records collection program.


BlackEnergy cyberespionage group targets Linux and Cisco

BlackEnergy has been compromising routers and Linux systems based on ARM and MIPS architectures in addition to Windows computers.


Hackers go after unclassified White House network

Hackers targeted an unclassified White House network but did not damage any systems, a White House official said Tuesday.


Russia fingered in long-running spying campaign

Russia is likely behind a long-running computer spying campaign, although the stealthy attacks leave fewer clues than other state-sponsored attacks.

Phishing for passwords.

Cyberespionage group goes phishing for Outlook Web App users

A cyberespionage group is using advanced spear-phishing techniques to steal email log-in credentials from military agencies, embassies, defense contractors and media outlets that use Office 365's Outlook Web App.

Akamai sees record-setting spikes in DDoS attacks

The size and volume of DDoS attack exploded in the past year, with a 389% increase in average attack bandwidth between the third quarter of 2013 and the third quarter of 2014, according to Akamai Technologies.

Exiting the computing business

IBM’s chip business sale gets national security scrutiny

IBM's plan to transfer its semiconductor manufacturing business to GlobalFoundries faces a government review over national security implications.

Russian hackers use Windows zero-day to attack Ukraine, U.S. organizations

A cyberespionage group operating in Russia has launched malware attacks against the Ukrainian government and at least one U.S.-based organization through a previously unknown vulnerability that affects most versions of Windows.

cybersecurity lock touch worker man

Researcher builds system to protect against malicious insiders

When an employee turns on his own company, the results -- damaged networks, data theft and even work stoppage -- could be devastating. Virginia Tech's Daphne Yao hopes the algorithms she's working on can stop that kind of attack.

LulzSec leader reportedly directed cyberattacks while working for FBI

The leader of the now-disbanded LulzSec hacking group directed members to attack targets in dozens of countries, including the U.K., Turkey, Brazil and Australia, even as he worked as an FBI informant.

U.S. Navy drone

The Navy flew its new drone across the US Wednesday night

The U.S. Navy's new surveillance drone completed its first cross-country flight across the United States Wednesday night.

U.S. military didn't know of Chinese attacks against transport contractors

The U.S. Defense Department plans to tighten reporting of cyber incidents against transportation contractors after finding the military was mostly left in the dark about successful attacks from China in 2012 and 2013.

Retired US airport body scanners fail to spot guns, knives

A type of body scanner in wide use across U.S. airports through last year fails to spot well-concealed weapons including guns and knives, computer security researchers contend.

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Many Chrome browser extensions do sneaky things

An analysis by security researchers of 48,000 extensions for Google's Chrome browser uncovered many that are used for fraud and data theft, actions that are mostly undetectable to regular users.

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