App Development

App development news, trends, analysis and practical advice

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7 great MOOCs for techies -- all free, starting soon!

To keep up in the world of high tech, IT pros must be constantly refining their existing skills and picking up new ones along the way. These seven free online courses can help.

An idle mind is the devil's Photoshop

Pilot fish is hired by this company to develop a simple database system to track clients and match them with doctors. It's quickly finished, and all that's left is to finish the training manual -- complete with cover.


Mozilla tells Google, it’s not you (anymore), it’s Yahoo

Mozilla on Wednesday announced that it had not renewed its lucrative contract with Google, and will instead use Yahoo as Firefox's default search engine in the U.S.


IBM offers 'devops' services to speed up enterprises' app development

IBM has built a team of experts on "devops," a hot, emerging approach to fast enterprise application development, and developed a collection of tools for deploying IT operations to the cloud.

amsterdam hackathon 2013 large

7 tips for landing a job at a coding competition

You don’t have to win the top prize to take away something arguably more valuable.

Facebook's Flow could help JavaScript programmers spot bugs

Flow offers much-needed static type checking for the JavaScrtipt language

C++ Java PHP .Net Python JavaScript code digital

Microsoft: 'Nobody loves developers more than us'

At this week's TopCoder Open, Microsoft Developer Evangelist Matt Thompson made his pitch for the newer, gentler, more open Microsoft to the startups and independent developers in attendance.

Sonatype seeks to help developers reduce risk from open-source components

The Sonatype Component Lifecycle Management 2.0 tracks vulnerable third-party components used in software

amazon reinvent

Amazon Web Services unveils a bunch of new cloud... stuff

AWS EC2 Container Service with Docker, Aurora MySQL clone... and Lambda functions? At Amazon's re:Invent shindig in Vegas, the company announces a host of new features for its public-cloud service. In IT Blogwatch, bloggers dig into...

Got a minute?

Developer pilot fish helps build an in-house application to simplify and automate tasks for the Tier 1 support techs, so even new recruits can get up to speed fast. But there's one feature the boss doesn't care for.

internet of things iot stock

Fujitsu pushes cloud platform to test IoT ideas

Fujitsu wants to promote Internet of Things technologies by launching a cloud-based development platform.

open source 3

Microsoft open sources .Net server stack

In an effort to broaden its reach beyond Windows developers, Microsoft has released as open source the server-side components of its .Net framework and embarked on a project to port the runtime software to Linux and Mac OS.

Xamarin integrated with free Visual Studio Community to let developers build Android, iOS apps

The development tool combo will be available in the coming weeks.

Microsoft ramps up 'devops' capabilities for speedier development

Microsoft has added release management, performance measurement and configuration blueprints to its devops arsenal

internet of things

How to develop applications for the Internet of Things

What's the best way to build an application that could do anything from control home appliances remotely to gather meteorological data from sensors to produce a weather forecast? Startups offering data ingestion platforms take much of...

mobile device management

Okta Developer Edition brings identity to the masses

At this week's Oktane '14 event, Okta CEO Todd McKinnon will introduce expanded features to the company's identity platform, as well as a platform for developers.

cloud construction crane development

GitHub Enterprise gets big upgrade with AWS support, high availability, more deployment options

GitHub has released a major update to GitHub Enterprise, offering many more deployment options to business customers running the code repository in their private cloud.

Computer scientists warn copyright on APIs will stifle innovation

The Supreme Court has been asked to reverse an appellate court decision in a dispute between Oracle and Google over Android

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