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10 Hot Internet of Things Startups

As Internet connectivity gets embedded into every aspect of our lives, investors, entrepreneurs and engineers are...

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6 Hot New IT Roles for 2015

The breakneck pace of change in the IT industry is forcing you to change the way you think about attracting and hiring...

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6 Things Galaxy Note 4 Does That iPhone 6 Can't

The Apple iPhone 6 and Galaxy Note 4 are two of the hottest smartphones available, but they each have their own...

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How to Tell If the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus Is Right For You

Apple's new iPhones are similar in many ways, but if you're considering an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus purchase you...

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6 Things iPhone 6 Does That Galaxy Note 4 Can't

The Apple iPhone 6 and Galaxy Note 4 are two of the hottest smartphones available, but they each have their own...

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6 Tips for Replacing Your Windows Laptop With a Surface Pro 3

Planning to ditch your laptop for a Windows tablet such as the Surface Pro 3? These tips will help you set up, secure...

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8 Free Online Courses to Grow Your Tech Skills

The cost of learning just got cheaper. CIO.com tracked down these eight free ways to grow your technology skill set....

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The Coming War for Developers

The emergence of next-generation social, mobile, analytics and cloud technology has sparked a war for developers able...

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Who’s Really Using Tinder (and How Are They Using It)?

Is Tinder an app for dating, hook-ups, making friends or a game of good old fashioned judgment? The service might be...

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Apple (Mostly) Not to Blame in iPhone 6 Plus 'Bendgate' Fiasco

If you buy a gigantic phone, pack it into a pair of skinny jeans, sit on it for 18 hours and find that it's bent,...



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    CIO 100
    CIO's annual event recognizes 100 organizations that have distinguished themselves by creating business value through the innovative use of IT.

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    CIO Perspectives
    The CIO Perspectives Forums are regionally focused one-day executive events for senior IT leaders at mid- to large-sized organizations in the private and public sectors.

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    CIO Executive Conferences attract the best and brightest IT executives because the CIO brand is synonymous with the highest quality and integrity. Whether it's the celebrated CIO 100 Symposium, The...

  • CIO Executive Council
    The Future-State CIO® will be accountable for IT function success and business process transformation by adopting a more company-external focus and concentrating on using information to drive...

  • Sometimes we all can use a refresher course - or we need to make sure our team and our colleagues are all on the same page. The following tutorials will give you and your counterparts a jumpstart on...

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