WebGL around the net, 17 Oct 2013

Topping this week’s headlines: a new 3D engine, and plugging WebGL into the newest hardware.

  • Long-time fans of the Flash-based 3D engine Away3D will be delighted to know that it has been ported to Typescript and uses WebGL for rendering. Plugin-free 3D just got a turbo-boost with this fantastic library.
  • Want to immersive yourself in your WebGL? Now you can, using Oculus Bridge, an application that connects the Oculus Rift head-tracking display to WebGL-based applications using web sockets.
  • You can also get your hands into the act using Leap Motion. Code junkie/data maven/script kiddie Theo Armour makes things a little easier with his Leap + Three.js Boilerplate.
  • If you run Windows and want to get a jump on WebGL 2.0 features, Chrome Canary now uses Direct3D 11 (via ANGLE) to render, and it also features multiple render targets. via Brandon Jones
  • This awesome 3D piano player demo allows you to control a Three.js-rendered piano in real time using your keyboard. Game of Thrones fans will get an extra treat when they hit play. Best theme music EVER!
  • Real-time messaging company LightStreamer has developed a demo of its technology for use in multiplayer WebGL gaming.
  • Got data? 3D charting package  incharts3D is now in live beta.
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