Islamic Architecture in Cairo: An Introduction

BRILL, 1992 - 174 pagina's
1 Reviewen
Cairo has one of the highest concentrations of Islamic architectural treasures in the world. This introduction to the subject begins with an analysis of the Cairo's urban growth from the Islamic conquest in 641 through to the Ottoman Period and the reign of Muhammad Ali at the beginning of the 19th century. From that point, the reader is given a guided tour of the evolution of Cairo's Islamic architecture and an overview of its main styles through the investigation of monuments spanning 1200 years. Includes a descriptive catalogue of the major monuments from the early Islamic period through the Fatimid, Ayyubid, Bahri Mamluk, Circassian Mamluk and Ottoman periods.

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Pagina 9 - I testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah'.
Pagina 41 - I have given you," a pilgrim reminds his readers, "the certain number of persons who can be counted, such as 24,000 cooks, 48,000 bread bakers, and 30,000 who bring water . . . daily for the people to drink. Now reckon how many people there must be to eat and drink all this, and yet," he adds, "this total will not include the Mamluks and their servants."14 Retreating from such high altitudes of calculation we may fall back upon the startled exclamation of a Frenchman, who found the city "marvellously...
Pagina 7 - A balustrade of golden lattice work surrounded the throne, whose beauty defies all description. Behind the throne were steps of silver. I saw a tree that looked like an orange tree, whose branches, leaves and fruits were made of sugar.
Pagina 8 - Nile flooded these ponds in summer, leaving their beds green with vegetation when the waters receded. The...
Pagina 142 - The Evolution of the Khanqah Institution in Mamluk Egypt.
Pagina 150 - Four Domes of the Late Mamluk Period. " Annales Islamologiques . 17 (1981), pp. 157 ff. — . "The Northeastern Expansion of Cairo under the Mamluks.

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Over de auteur (1992)

Doris Behrens-Abouseif is Nasser D Khalili Professor of Islamic Art and Archaeology. Before joining SOAS in 2000, Professor Abouseif taught Islamic Art at the American University in Cairo and at the Universities of Freiburg and Munich in Germany. On two occasions, she was Visiting Professor at Harvard University at the Fine Art Department and the Graduate School of Design; she also was awarded a Bin-Ladin-fellowship to spend a semester at the Graduate School of Design. She has also been invited as a Visiting Professor at the Universities of Berlin and Bamberg in Germany and the University of Leuven in Belgium, and was "Distinguished Visiting Professor" at the American University in Cairo.

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