window.tabCheck = window.orientation; jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var navExtras = false; var searchBox = false; var primaryNav = jQuery('#primary-nav'); var topLi = false; var feedSubnav = false; var feedContentUl = false; var openDropdown = function(){ primaryNav.parents('#nav-wrap').css('overflow','hidden'); primaryNav.addClass('active') .parents('#nav-wrap') .addClass('active') .stop().animate({height: 270}, 'fast'); }; var closeDropdown = function(){ primaryNav.removeClass('active') .find('li') .removeClass('active') .end() .parents('#nav-wrap') .removeClass('active') .stop().animate({height: 50}, 'fast', function(){ primaryNav.css('overflow', 'visible'); // the dropdown closes too slowly so the search text box gets covered. show it again. if (searchBox) { jQuery('#nav-wrap').css('overflow','visible'); } } ); jQuery('#primary-nav li.subscribe').find('#AMS_WIR_GLOBAL_NAVBAR_ROLLOVER').removeClass('active'); }; // tablets: top level nav elements - first tap opens dropdown, second tap follows link if (tabCheck != undefined) { var lastClick = null; // run once when the page loads on tablet: hide links in data attribute jQuery('#nav-wrap a.non-js-menu').each( function() { // save off the href var save_href = jQuery(this).attr('href'); // add data-tapref attrib and save href value there jQuery(this).removeAttr('href').attr('data-tapref',save_href); } ); // on single click, don't follow link (dropdown only). on double click, add href back and follow link. jQuery('#nav-wrap').find('a.non-js-menu').click( function(){ if (lastClick == this) { // add href back for doubletap var a_href = jQuery(this).attr('data-tapref'); jQuery(this).attr('href',a_href).removeAttr('data-tapref'); return true; } else { // save off this and href lastClick = this; return true; } } ); } // end tabcheck // Parent hover, open the dropdowns (unless hovering over RSS or Search) jQuery('#primary-nav').hoverIntent( function(){ if (!navExtras) { openDropdown(); } }, function(){ closeDropdown(); } ); // Activate and Deactivate the first child of dropdowns on parent hover // Use hoverIntent plugin jQuery.hoverIntent.js to delay hover event so that user doesn't unintentionally engage wrong top level navs primaryNav.children('li').hoverIntent( function(){ topLi = true; openDropdown(); jQuery('#primary-nav > li').not(this).removeClass('active').find('li').removeClass('active'); jQuery(this).addClass('active'); // this class is getting added to first ul > li when mousing to left of subnav, for no apparent reason (should only fire on primary-nav > li hover) // add some conditionals to make that stop happening. do not activate first ul > li unless hovering on primary-nav > li. if (topLi === true && feedSubnav === false && feedContentUl === false) { jQuery(this).find('ul > li:first').addClass('active'); } // Subscription dropdown jQuery('#primary-nav > li').filter(this).find('#AMS_WIR_GLOBAL_NAVBAR_ROLLOVER').addClass('active'); jQuery('#primary-nav > li').not(this).find('#AMS_WIR_GLOBAL_NAVBAR_ROLLOVER').removeClass('active'); // Parent hover, lazy load all the sub images jQuery(this).find( 'img[data-lazy-src]' ).each( function() { lazy_load_nav_image( this ); } ); }, function() { topLi = false; } ); // Sub menu events in dropdowns jQuery('#primary-nav .subnav > li').each( function(){ var thisElement = jQuery(this); var thisElementPosition = thisElement.position(); jQuery(this).children('ul').css('top',; jQuery(this).find('.feed-title a').mouseenter( function(){ jQuery('#primary-nav .subnav > li').not(thisElement).removeClass('active'); thisElement.addClass('active'); } ); } ); // set some variables on subnav and subnav ul to control behavior of activating ul > li:first jQuery('#primary-nav .subnav').hover( function(){ feedSubnav = true; }, function(){ feedSubnav = false; } ); jQuery('#primary-nav .subnav > ul').hover( function(){ feedContentUl = true; }, function(){ feedContentUl = false; } ); /* Search Box */ jQuery('#nav-extras').hoverIntent( function(){ navExtras = true; searchBox = true; closeDropdown(); jQuery('#nav-wrap').css('overflow','visible'); jQuery('#search-form-cont').css('display', 'block'); jQuery(this).addClass('active'); jQuery('#search-input').focus(); }, function(){ jQuery('#nav-wrap').css('overflow','hidden'); jQuery('#search-form-cont').css('display', 'none'); jQuery(this).removeClass('active'); jQuery('#search-input').blur(); } ); /* Wired Logo, RSS, Search, left of Wired, right of Search - close dropdown */ jQuery('#nav-extras li.rss').add('#logo').add('#global_header').hover( function(){ navExtras = true; closeDropdown(); }, function() { navExtras = false; } ); }); function lazy_load_nav_image( img ) { var $img = jQuery( img ), src = $img.attr( 'data-lazy-src' ); $img.hide() .removeAttr( 'data-lazy-src' ) .attr( 'data-lazy-loaded', 'true' ); img.src = src; $img.fadeIn(); } function positionSubnav( container ){ /* if ( jQuery( container ).length == 0 ) { + ' not found!'); // Wait 3 secs and try again setTimeout( function(){ positionSubnav(container) }, 3000); return; } var navOffset = jQuery( container ).offset(); jQuery( container + ' > li > ul' ).each( function(){ var h2Offset = jQuery( this ).parentsUntil( '#primary-nav' ).offset(); if ( ! jQuery( this ).parent().is( ':first-child' ) ) { var moveTo = navOffset.left - h2Offset.left; jQuery( this ).css( 'left', moveTo+'px' );'Positioning subnav at ' + moveTo + 'px'); } }); */ //'Positioning subnav ' + container ); }