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  • Judge Refuses to Dismiss Confession, Evidence in Reuters Employee Hacking Case

    Judge Refuses to Dismiss Confession, Evidence in Reuters Employee Hacking Case

    Kim Zetter |
    A federal judge has refused to dismiss a recorded confession and computer evidence collected in the case of Mathew Keys, a former Reuters employee accused of conspiring with members of Anonymous to hack his former employer.
  • Dirigible Drones Will Watch the World From 13 Miles Up

    Dirigible Drones Will Watch the World From 13 Miles Up

    Allen McDuffee |
    With UAVs crowding navigable airspace and plans underway to put giant mega-satellites into orbit, it was just a matter of time before a drone-satellite hybrid was developed to fit between the two spaces. StratoBus, a new project out of France, ...
  • History Will Remember Obama as the Great Slayer of Patent Trolls

    History Will Remember Obama as the Great Slayer of Patent Trolls

    David Kravets |
    One of President Barack Obama’s biggest legacies will be his healthcare plan. Another, thanks to the Edward Snowden leaks, is domestic spying. But Obama has another legacy, one not so obvious, and which won't be felt until years after he's left ...
  • A 10-Point Plan to Keep the NSA Out of Our Data

    A 10-Point Plan to Keep the NSA Out of Our Data

    Kim Zetter |
    Last week Edward Snowden, speaking from Moscow to the South by Southwest conference in Austin, Texas, issued a call-to-arms to the tech community to step up its game and devise solutions to secure online communications and activity from snoops. To ...
  • The Navy’s Plan to Beam Down Energy From Orbiting Solar Panels

    The Navy’s Plan to Beam Down Energy From Orbiting Solar Panels

    Allen McDuffee |
    The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is building technology that will allow the military to capture solar power in orbit and project it back down to Earth.
  • A Close Look at the NSA’s Most Powerful Internet Attack Tool

    A Close Look at the NSA’s Most Powerful Internet Attack Tool

    Nicholas Weaver |
    We already knew that the NSA has weaponized the internet, enabling it to "shoot" exploits at anyone it desires. But the Edward Snowden slides and story published yesterday at The Intercept convey a wealth of new detailed information about the ...
  • How to Keep the NSA From Spying Through Your Webcam

    How to Keep the NSA From Spying Through Your Webcam

    Kim Zetter |
    Spy tools, whether designed by intelligence agencies, cyber crooks or internet creeps, can turn your camera on without illuminating the indicator light. Online tutorials even instruct neophyte hackers on how to hijack your webcam. Fortunately, WIRED is here with a ...
  • NSA Has Been Hijacking the Botnets of Other Hackers

    NSA Has Been Hijacking the Botnets of Other Hackers

    Kevin Poulsen |
    The NSA doesn’t just hack foreign computers. It also piggybacks on the work of professional for-profit hackers, taking over entire networks of already-hacked machines and using them for their own purposes.
  • CIA Hack Scandal Turns Senate’s Defender of Spying Into a Critic

    CIA Hack Scandal Turns Senate’s Defender of Spying Into a Critic

    David Kravets |
    It's refreshing to hear Dianne Feinstein express outrage over warrantless and illegal government spying, But sadly to say, there’s some dark humor of sorts here, too. Feinstein is perhaps the biggest congressional cheerleader of domestic surveillance, including the telephone snooping ...
  • Reverse Wardriving: Tracking Apple and Google Commuter Buses by Their Wi-Fi Clouds

    Reverse Wardriving: Tracking Apple and Google Commuter Buses by Their Wi-Fi Clouds

    Kevin Poulsen |
    Last week, it occurred to me that I might start monitoring the local Wi-Fi environment to determine how often the Apple Bus really comes by. My wife guessed 10 times a day. I’d have said 20. After a week of ...
  • Edward Snowden Urges SXSW Crowd to Thwart NSA With Technology

    Edward Snowden Urges SXSW Crowd to Thwart NSA With Technology

    Kim Zetter |
    With lawmakers slow to pass legislation curbing NSA surveillance, it's up to the technology community to step in and devise solutions that will better protect online communications from snoops, said Edward Snowden, speaking today from Moscow at the South by ...
  • After Recent Ruling, America’s Commercial Drone Pilots Come Out of the Shadows

    After Recent Ruling, America’s Commercial Drone Pilots Come Out of the Shadows

    David Kravets |
    Matt Gunn, an independent model aircraft or drone operator in Cleveland, says the recent court ruling barring the Federal Aviation Administration from enforcing rules prohibiting the commercial use of drones amounts to “mud being flung in their face.” Gunn is ...
  • Darpa’s Tiny Lasers Will Soon Hunt for Biochemical Weapons

    Darpa’s Tiny Lasers Will Soon Hunt for Biochemical Weapons

    Allen McDuffee |
    The Pentagon learned in August 2013 -- when the U.S. came close to striking Syria over the Assad regime's use of sarin gas -- that it was woefully unprepared to face chemical or biological weapons on the battlefield. Now Darpa ...
  • Israel’s Commercial Jets Will Soon Be Firing Lasers

    Israel’s Commercial Jets Will Soon Be Firing Lasers

    Allen McDuffee |
    Israel is finally ready to combat shoulder-launched missiles and they're going to do it with lasers.
  • Navy’s Tiny 5-Pound Missile Packs a Big Punch

    Navy’s Tiny 5-Pound Missile Packs a Big Punch

    Allen McDuffee |
    The Navy is developing a five-pound, 25-inch mini-munition that it's calling "the world's smallest guided missile."
  • Darpa Developing Tech to Detect Counterfeit Microchips in Military Gear

    Darpa Developing Tech to Detect Counterfeit Microchips in Military Gear

    Allen McDuffee |
    Darpa has taken on a new role in military procurement: quality control. The military's research agency is developing a device to detect used and counterfeit electronic components in the Pentagon's supply chain, hoping to get a handle on a problem the agency ...
  • At Last, a Google Glass for the Battlefield

    At Last, a Google Glass for the Battlefield

    Allen McDuffee |
    In Silicon Valley, walking around with an augmented reality display on your face makes you a glasshole. But on the battlefield, similar technology will soon turn U.S. soldiers into a lethal cross between the Terminator and Iron Man.
  • New Jet-Powered Drone Can Kill 1,800 Miles From Home Base

    New Jet-Powered Drone Can Kill 1,800 Miles From Home Base

    Allen McDuffee |
    The U.S. may be forced to withdraw troops completely from Afghanistan by the end of the year. That's bad news if you're the CIA, and your lethal drone flights over neighboring Pakistan rely on the close proximity of Afghan airstrips. ...
  • Driverless Trucks Will Keep Army Safe From IEDs

    Driverless Trucks Will Keep Army Safe From IEDs

    Allen McDuffee |
    U.S. Army convoys will soon be able to roll into even the roughest of unfriendly foreign urban areas and combat zones without the worry of loss of life, thanks to new technology that will make large vehicles fully autonomous.
  • A Holodeck Videogame Designed to Train Soldiers

    A Holodeck Videogame Designed to Train Soldiers

    Allen McDuffee |
    If the Army is going to keep up with military readiness pressures while also seeing a reduction in troop size and stagnant budgets, then it's going to need more cutting-edge videogames.

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