Most techies have tried using a web-connected pedometer at one point or another, but very few have gone from couch potato to track star by virtue of the points, badges, and achievements these systems provide. Making a device that connects …

IDEO’s Inspiring Ideas for the Internet of Everything

IDEO’s Inspiring Ideas for the Internet of Everything

Presented by KIA
Maker Made

Most techies have tried using a web-connected pedometer at one point or another, but very few have gone from couch potato to track star by virtue of the points, badges, and achievements these systems provide. Making a device that connects to the Internet of Things is getting increasingly easy, but creating products and services that use technology to transform us into better people is as hard as it’s ever been.

Design firm IDEO has done a great deal of work on the frontier of the internet of things. Melon is a headband that that promises to aid in concentration and PillPack simplifies pharmaceutical delivery, but their latest project is a collection of internal brainstorms, concept sketches, and demo videos all collected on a slickly organized website that pushes the boundaries even further. Called Made in the Future, it provides a glimpse of products that could shape our lives a decade from now.

The project was led by Colin Raney, an associate partner at the firm and the managing director of the Boston studio and Matt Brown, an industrial and UX designer also based in Boston. “The original brief asked how we will make in 10 years,” he says. “It wasn’t about maker culture, but how making makes us innately human.”

Instead of envisioning concepts that award more points and badges, IDEO’s designers tried to imagine how increasingly small sensors and powerful fabrication tools could make us better cooks, more considerate consumers, and attentive friends. The results are organized into five broad themes that showcase a disparate array of technologies, behaviors, and trends embodied as tangible product demonstrations.

A Real-Time Recording of the Present

Humans embed physical objects with meaning—a plastic trophy is a permanent reminder of a summer of little league dominance and a knit sweater can bring memories of a semester spent in Sweden flooding back. But what if we could use our experiences to create objects in real time rather than assigning meaning to keepsakes after the fact?

IDEO’s response to this question is MatterTone, a device that looks like a toy Hi-Fi from the 1950′s, but instead of playing records, the wood-clad contrivance captures the flow of a conversation and 3-D prints an object that records the conversation in physical form. The result is a plastic cylinder that encodes the feel of a discussion in plastic waves, a futuristic conceit that manages to echo the Code of Hammurabi and the wax cylinders that were first used to create audio recordings.

Tools That Teach

Books and wikis are amazing stores of human knowledge, but some skills—say thoracic surgery—are best best taught in situ under the guidance of an expert rather than in the form of ink on paper or hyperlinked text. IDEO solved this problem by imagining a tiny wooden tool, called the Master’s Archive, which would combine a camera and laser projector to provide augmented reality education in real time.

In one example, novice woodworkers would be guided by having blueprints projected on their materials that would update automatically as the project progressed. Instead of following step-by-step instructions from a book or website, this tool would walk them through the process in the way a master artisan might have a century ago.

Everyday Products With Superpowers

A Phillips head screwdriver needs no instruction manual thanks to a concept IDEO calls “embedded knowledge,” which means the instructions are implicit in the design of the object. IDEO wants to bring this concept to our sensor-studded age and imagined a set of spoons with super powers. One would feature technology that could measure the salinity of a broth and dispense more salt until the optimum taste has been achieved. Another is coated with a hydrophobic material that lets a cook splash just the right amount of sauce into the pot.

Another embodiment of this concept is the Iteration Table a workspace that would extend a learner’s knowledge by providing contextual assistance. Imagine a child learning to draw a dinosaur who is frustrated by an inability to craft a convincing tail. This system would suggest a bevy of ideas, customized to the young artist’s style that would serve as jumping off points. In both cases, the tools support the job at hand while also educating the user.

Rethinking How Products Make it to Market

IDEO also spent time rethinking systems of production and came up with two provocative concepts. Rethinking the food of the future was a tasty challenge and the team started by reimagining the humble hamburger bun as a 3-D printed cage for lab-grown proteins. In this future world, ice cream isn’t churned and deposited into a vat, instead it will be grown on geometric cookie substrates suspended in mists of flavor crystals.

They also imagined how these ideas could spread beyond the kitchen.

Noun, is a proposed platform that would make remixing physical objects as easy as it is with music. Any object, even an ugly Hawaiian shirt, would have a unique ID containing it’s design history—the material, cut pattern, a copy of the hideous design, and information regarding its manufacture. If someone wanted a mug to match their shirt, they’d simply scan the garment with their iPhone, assign key properties to the mug, and select a factory or maker to produce it on demand.

A Natural Version of 3-D Printing, Using Termites

Materials, and the way designers interact with them, was another key concern. 3-D printers and their subtractive CNC cutting counterparts have become wildly popular, yet there could be natural ways to achieve similar results. One concept suggested a future where a wood board could be coated with an oil that naturally repels termites and paired with a special pen that would remove the oil. Artists could draw on the board with this pen, take the wood to an area where termites gather, and allow the mites to make a meal of the areas of the wood that were sketched on while simultaneously revealing the artist’s drawing.

How Celine Dion Can Help Invent the Future

Most of these ideas are impossible to execute today and might even be a stretch a decade from now. The craziest ones will require massive breakthroughs in materials science and computer vision. Organizations will need to respond with entirely new user interface paradigms and business models to make these visions a reality. Still, it’s not like this kind of upheaval is without precedent.

“Think about where we were 10 years ago—we knew gadgets were going to be small, and have touch screens,” says Raney. Yet it would be impossible for most to fully understand how those innovations would upend industries and change our lives. “Flexible manufacturing and ubiquitous sensing could create much larger waves,” he continues.

Thankfully, IDEO’s designers are no stranger to crazy ideas. A popular lunchtime exercise in the company’s Boston studio is trying to visualize insane topics—like what Celine Dion’s dreams look like. These exercises might seem silly, but Raney is proud of the playful spirit projects like these cultivate. “There’s something really nice in being playful about design,” he says. “David Kelley wrote a book about creative confidence, having fun, and engaging people by having a little bit of levity. It’s a great book, but an even more important idea.”

That creative spirit is supercharged thanks to their proximity to MIT’s famed Media Lab which is just a subway stop away from the firm’s office. IDEO is a sponsor of the institution and Raney serves as a visiting scientist, and calls attention to important parallels in the way the two organizations work. “There’s a focus on undirected research, people who are working towards a direction, but not on a specific thing,” he says. “The technology has a point of view, but it’s unfinished. Not to say it’s not thought through, but there is more you could do with it.”

Some may dismiss these designs as mere concepts, but Raney believes the sense of play is essential and is wary of making too many proclamations. After all, instead of talking about the future, why not get busy building it? “Predicting the future is a fools task,” says Raney. “The great thing about design is that you’re creating the future and if you create something compelling enough, watch out, because people will try to make it real.”

Joseph Flaherty

Joseph Flaherty writes about design, DIY, and the intersection of physical and digital products. He designs award-winning medical devices and apps for smartphones at AgaMatrix, including the first FDA-cleared medical device that connects to the iPhone.

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