Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

News posted on Sun, 2010-05-09 22:14
Haiku R1 Alpha 2 stamp

The Haiku Project is proud to announce the availability of Haiku R1A2, its second official alpha release. Haiku is an open source operating system that specifically targets personal computing intended for desktop use. Alpha 2 is a stable development release and a milestone on the way to the upcoming Release 1.

Eight months ago the Haiku Project released its first alpha, making many aware of its presence. Alpha 2 is the direct result of the contributions of many volunteers from around the world. With it the project hopes to entice more people to contribute, growing the project and reaching the goals for R1, and beyond.

The Haiku developer team is excited to have this improved version available to a wider audience and more extensively tested, and invites the public to help improve the quality of Haiku.

Notable Changes Between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2

  • WiFi support with WEP encryption introduced
  • WebPositive - a native Webkit based browser
  • New Locale Kit allows localization/translation
  • Improved USB mass storage performance
  • ACPI enabled by default
  • Bash command-line shell updated to version 4.x
  • Message Signal Interrupts (MSI)
  • Increased POSIX compliance
  • Increased performance

For More info, see the Release Notes.

Haiku R1/Alpha 2 Availability

About Haiku

The Haiku Project is a volunteer based initiative started on August 18th, 2001, whose goal is to develop and promote the adoption of Haiku, an operating system which is fast and responsive, easy to use, powerful and enjoyable for everyone, both users and developers. Haiku adopts design and concepts introduced in BeOS™ and take these to the next level by fusing them with recent advances.

Give Haiku a whirl today to see what you think, and discover what you have been missing!

Please use Haiku's bug tracker to report any bugs found.

BeOS is a trademark of ACCESS CO., LTD.


Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Thanks for this great release. Its great to see the project progress at such a fast pace.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

I'am currently buring the iso.. 58% to go and i'am going to reboot
Thanks to everyone who participate in this release. 67%
Keep up the great work 100% woot ;)

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Please update the front page header


Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Well done!

Um, I'm a bit out of touch with this - it sounds like this might be the last alpha release?

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

There will be one more alpha release before heading to the first beta.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2


Second alpha boot and works with 48 Mb RAM. Notable that first alpha not boot even with 96 Mb RAM. I checked this on Virtual Machine.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Thank you all for the effort.Downloading right away...

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

THX for all!!! :D

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Congratulations on this milestone!

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Ha, I wasn't even aware of the WEP support... and I've been staring at the A2 to-do list on Trac for weeks now!

Congrats to Haiku, it's awesome active community members/developers (mmadia, axel, stippi, andreas, and a ton more) and all of it's lucky users! :)

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Burned the ISO to my DVDRW disc using Ubuntu and went live CD on reboot. Very fast and stable especially for a live CD. Webpositive worked great too. A+ on this release for the alpha 2 and will give it a brand new fast hard drive of its very own.

Already heard of one guy loading it on his netbook via pendrive and going wireless with it.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Good work!

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

I have downloaded all images (iso, anyboot, vmdk) via torrent and all zips are broken. The md5sums dont match.
A download from a webserver (lund, sweden) works ok.

Is there a problem with the torrents?

Oh, and great work everyone! :-)

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

torrents works fine for me ...

Raw images?

So there's no nightly right now, but I'm used to working with a raw image to update what's on my disk. Is there a way to get a raw of alpha 2? If not, when do nightlies resume?


Re: Raw images?

In a conversation with mmlr, I learned that the anyboot image actually contains a raw image, tacked on at the end. You can extract/restore the raw image by issuing the following two commands (at least in *nix, haven't tried in Haiku):

dd if=haiku-r1alpha2-anyboot.image of=haiku.image bs=1M skip=$(expr $(od -j 454 -N 4 -i -A n haiku-r1alpha2-anyboot.image) / 2048)
dd if=/dev/zero of=haiku.image bs=1 seek=506 count=4 conv=notrunc

Re: Raw images?

You can also still get the raw image from any of the mirrors - just replace "vmdk" or "anyboot" in the filename with "image" and you should get it :)

Because Anyboot is suitable for use directly on a disk (it contains an MBR and makeshift partition table) - but also can be burned to a CD, we decided to distribute it instead of Raw and see how it works out.

Re: Raw images?

That information should be added to the "Get Haiku" page, so people who have always used raw images (like me) don't download the "anyboot" then wonder why it doesn't work and have to search for a solution.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Congratulations to the Haiku Team! :)

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Congratulations for the work :)

One question, I have some method for boot it from USB in a mac? using grub-efi or refit?


Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Why is it, Alpha 1 ran flawlessly on all 3 of my computers, yet Alpha 2 refuses to run on ANY of them?

It KDL's on QuadSlacker ("disk not found" or some such; never even finishes the boot icons!), it locks up at the language option menu on Athlonica 64 X2, and it locks up at a blue desktop (no icons, just the mouse pointer) on Athlonica, out in my workshop.

I am going to try to boot it on an ancient Pentium II 266 system I have, next.

I can't get any Syslog info to you, because it never gets far enough to even do that!

Why is this happening? What is wrong? Wasn't Alpha 2 supposed to work BETTER, not WORSE?

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

ACPI was enabled, which might cause troubles. You can disable it (and others), maybe it will help. Let us know what helps, perhaps you can make a good bug report of it.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

No, there's no guarantee that a subsequent alpha will work better. Alpha releases indicate that functionality is still missing or in heavy development. It's always possible that adding that missing functionality, or refactoring large areas of the system will break something (there have been many core areas of Haiku that were refactored, updated, or new drivers added since Alpha 1).

For example, sometime after Alpha 1, my USB/Audio started conflicting with each other which they didn't previously. This was likely due to improvements in HDA/USB, plus the addition of Wifi (since it's on the same IRQ too) which started triggering interrupt sharing problems. Since Haiku's resource management and IRQ routing is still highly dependent on the BIOS, and not done properly like most modern OSes, this will likely continue to be a problem until that is finished (which should technically happen sometime before Beta).

As we near Beta, things should stabilize a bit, and all the bustage during the alpha releases should have hopefully been identified and fixed, or in the process of being fixed.

Always log your bugs - otherwise the regressions might get missed.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

"Why is it, Alpha 1 ran flawlessly on all 3 of my computers, yet Alpha 2 refuses to run on ANY of them?"

You must have not read the release notes for Alpha2.
"One of our goals is to make sure Haiku does not run on any of Luposian's computers." :-)

Did you download ISO? Or which image format?
What OS did you burn image with?
What program did you use?

Can you try burning with Windows and see if still the same?

Your issue is likely MSI or ACPI related but I still would like to see if burning with Windows changes anything.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

You must have not read the release notes for Alpha2.
"One of our goals is to make sure Haiku does not run on any of Luposian's computers." :-)

my gosh, hahaha

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Only system both Alpha 1 and 2 will not boot on here is a C2D Mac Mini. Tried with the ISO burned to a CD and an Image to a Flash drive. Both Flash drive and CD boot on every other system I tried them on including an Acer Aspire One, My Gaming rig with Intel board and Pentium D CPU, 2 Dell Optiplex P4 workstations. Both the flash drive image and the ISO to CD were burned on a Mac with OSX 10.5.8 from the terminal using dd. I have a very similar Intel Motherboard to Luposian just different CPU (Pentium D Vs Core 2 Quad). Mine boots fine and fast.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Maybe bad CD burn for Haiku to not work on 3 computers. Also, I heard that 650 MB CD may not work properly and should use 700 MB.

Luposian should try burning Alpha2 to another 700 MB CD-R. Also check if download is corrupt too just in case.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Awesome! Thanks everyone involved! This is an even greater release! Haiku is looking more and more promising all the time.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Awesome release!! Liking Web+ so much better than BeZilla
Looking goood Haiku. Excellent work devs, :D

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Just tried it in a VM, hats off to everyone involved you have done an amazing job. The whole system feels so solid and looks really great.
Looking forward to installing it on one of my laptops when the wireless support is fleshed out a bit. Finally a free OS that feels and looks like a high quality coherent system.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Before anything else, CONGRATS, and THANK YOU, for everything you've done and are doing. LONG LIVE HAIKU

Having serious problems with this one. Downloaded the ISO from 3 different places and it always stops loading at libwebcore.so . So I downloaded the anyboot, and wrote it to a flash drive. That seemed to work ok, but that image leaves you no extra space to do anything, cant download anything etc, So I used the flash drive to install to a second partition on a laptop,

That went ok, until I rebooted the laptop, then everything went crazy, deskbar moved to the bottom of the screen, settings kept changing, nothing wanted to work etc. Changed settings in deskbar, just to check them a minute later, and found they were set different yet again. It made no sense at all. But after a long time, wireless started working, and I could get on line, tested webpositive,,, Good to see it back,,, and worked on facebook and ebay, GREAT!!!

but then a minute later, wireless stopped working again. Seems to need reset every now and then. Then, on top of everything, Webpositive keeps downloading files without being told to. Every few minutes, Webpositive pops open a download window, and boom, I have a file on my desktop, that I have no idea where it came from or why its there,,, very, very, creepy

Finally, decided to download ISO by torrent. And burn CD using disk at once setting. Now the CD will do a full install, but after reboot the system just locks on memory testing, re-image back to Windows, and everything works perfect again

Go back to Alpha 1, and everything is fine, just don't have wireless, so its not practical to use

While its great to see another milestone passed, and super great to have wireless working, sometimes,,

it seems like Alpha 2 might have been a little premature

Happy as hell to see it, but I hope it doesn't scare people away when they have problems with it. Hopefully this will get more people using it, and maybe that will draw more people to help or donate. Or at least know its out there. But it does seem to be pretty buggy yet, and these new bugs are very weird. I cant figure out why my settings keep changing by themselves, or how the heck the deskbar got moved to the bottom of the screen

I think the powers behind Haiku, might have to release a "Alpha 2.1" sometime real soon. Or allot of people may try this Alpha, just to toss the CD away, and never try Haiku again

On a final note, Looking at the first CD I tried, seems it's a dos/fat CD ? with short file names and zip file like packaging ? Didnt really look at it hard, just a quick glance. But is that something new or different. Are you not at the point yet, where the CD can have BeOS / Haiku, formatting ? I'm a little confused on how its installing like that. If it can run or install like that, then why cant it be made to just install and run, on a FAT / FAT32, drive ? Save us all from having to reformat our drives ?

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

> Downloaded the ISO from 3 different places and it always stops loading at libwebcore.so...

Here is your quick and dirty solution:



Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Thanks, thats one of the things about a great OS, the people that stand behind it, and help other people

The ISO torrent I downloaded seems to work, But I might try the fix just for some practice
I got the torrent ISO to CD, and installed on my laptop, all the little weird problems went away. But wireless is still very slow, and stops working every 5 minutes. And webpositive still downloaded a few files by itself

The funny thing, is when I booted back to windows, I tried to copy the libwebcore.so file over from the CD to my windows desktop, just for fun, and got the another error,
"Device Recalibrate Error" or something like that

I dont understand how 3 different CD's, 3 different downloads, from 3 different locations, can all get stuck at the same exact place. And now I see that others are having the same problem
So that makes me feel less stupid anyway

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

In addition to the tip at haikuzone.net, another method to workaround the installation issues of libwebcore.so is at http://dev.haiku-os.org/wiki/R1/Alpha2/ReleaseAddendum . That TracWiki page will list other notable bugs with R1A2 and their respective resolutions, such as installing sftp's missing dependency and installing a newer version of git that works with http://

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Nice release. Boots perfectly in both computers I tested it on. Mediaplayer is a bit easy to crash, but otherwise it is very nice.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Good job!
Heh..i thought you guys were late on the release until I saw this thread - somebody needs to update the Haiku home page graphic to show the Alpha 2 stamp now, it's been 5 days :)

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

The stamp changed on the 10th, but I had to refresh Google Chrome a few times to see it.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Parabéns a toda a equipe que tornou realidade um projeto tão maravilhoso, Cada vez mais pessoas estão conhecendo o Haiku e a recompensa pelo bom e duro trabalho em breve dará retorno a todos vocês.


Luca Dasi - Brasil

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Spectacular release!
Wireless works for my Atheros AR928X out of the box, as well as WEP encryption when using the setwep command. setwep is a no-brainer, which makes me wonder why a tool like iwconfig in Linux still will not work with my card/network. My only problem is that the network eventually slows to a near-halt after some heavy web traffic, although I have honestly not researched this problem much.
I initially had the same problem as some others with the install hanging on libwebcore.so, but circumvented this by simply installing from a live usb key.
I've finally installed this one to the hard drive, which means I'm getting serious about using Haiku part-time. Progress seems to be quick lately; can't wait to see where this project will be in another year or so. I hope to eventually use Haiku full-time!

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Great job! Things get more exciting I visit to see the progress here (which I admit, I stop by just to see the progress usually).

Anyway, I look forward to seeing the future of BeOS -- I miss it.

Re: Haiku Project Announces Availability of Haiku R1/Alpha 2

Alpha 2 won't boot here... It sticks at the fourth icon, and after at least 1-2 minutes, I finally get: "PANIC: did not find any boot partitions ! Welcome to kernel debugging land !" and a command prompt...

- Core2 Quad
- 4Gb
- Default boot options: I'll try to disable some options and put the results here.
- Normal ISO file