Appsverse Photon Browser Flash Player for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

For new users, if you do not have time to read through the tutorial and FAQ, know 2 important things with the use of Photon Flash Web Browser for viewing Flash websites.

1) REMEMBER to click the lightning bolt button to view Flash websites. This allows you to switch between Flash browsing mode and the faster native mode for normal websites.
2) ADJUST THE BANDWIDTH PROFILE to let Photon adapt to your network settings via the Settings->Flash Section->Bandwidth menu. If your video lags or freeze, try another bandwidth settings as your network may not be fast enough for the current setting. We default the network settings to support the lowest bandwidth. If you have a higher bandwidth network, try changing the number to let Photon adapt to your network for an even better experience.

Appsverse Photon Browser is a browser that is designed for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch with the experience optimized and enhanced for the user browsing on the iOS devices. It is also a powerful browser that supports Flash player for iPad and the browsing of Flash websites by streaming these sites from servers in the cloud. Appsverse Photon Browser is a fully featured browser that combines the fast native experience of browsing on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch with Flash player in cloud streaming sessions to browse Flash websites when needed.

Photon for iPad

Photon for iPhone and iPod Touch

Photon YouTube Contest - Win an Apple TV

Frequently Asked Questions / Troubleshooting

Falcon Downloader and Video Player


Falcon Downloader and Media Player for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

- Browser, download manager, file manager and video player in one app! - Download video and music into your device.

- Read documents, play video and music without Internet access.

- Play different video formats not supported natively by iPad and iPhone

- Supports gp, sf, avi, divx, dv, flv, gxf, m2p, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mkv, moov, mov, mp4, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, mpg, mpv, mt2s, mts, mxf, ogm, ogv, ps, qt, ts, vob, webm, wma, wmv formats


Photon Browser for iPad

Browse Flash Websites
Appsverse powerful cloud virtualization technology allows users to seamlessly switch from native browsing mode to a cloud streaming session mode to browse Flash websites using Appsverse Photon Browser. As the web page is streamed from the cloud, user experience may differ based on a number of factors including network connectivity, bandwidth, latency, server load and a number of other factors.

Tabbed Browsing
Supports tabbed browsing and allows you to switch between different websites with ease.
Multiple Browse Views
Supports multiple views including full screen browsing, tabbed browsing, split views, picture in picture and three pane view. Multi-task and be productive as you surf the web.

Customize Colors
Personalize your Photon Browser with literally thousands of colors.
Awesome Toolbar
Use our single awesome url toolbar to type in your url or search keywords. Most frequented and recent websites and search keywords are automatically suggested for you as you type.
Smart History
Touch and hold the forward or back button for more than 1 second to see your previous history.
Full Screen Browsing
Get 100% browsing space available on your device with full screen browsing.

Private Browsing
Removes all history and cookies when you exit the browser for private browsing.
Night time reading
Adjust your browser brightness for night time reading.

Photon Browser for iPhone and iPod Touch

*** Photon Flash Browser for iPhone is finally here! ***

*** Photon for iPad is #1 in Utilities in US. ***

*** "Photon browser is a powerful and versatile Safari alternative that excels in its Flash support..." - USAToday ***

Photon YouTube Contest - Win an Apple TV

1) Create a video showing Photon Flash Browser (either on iPad or iPhone) in action.

2) Then upload the video to YouTube and email to contest(alias)appsverse(dot)com with the link to your YouTube video.

3) If we select your video to be featured in our home page, you will win an Apple TV.

4) We will contact via the email you send us with the link to arrange to send the prize to you.

5) This contest is currently open only to US residents.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I view this page again?
We have saved it under bookmarks under Photon Tutorial. You can click on the top right ribbon like icon button to find the bookmarks.

The websites I visited still says you dont have Flash installed or some Adobe message
Did you remember to click on the "Lightning Bolt" button. On the iPad, it can be found at the top right on the iPad and the bottom navigation bar on the iPhone and iPod Touch. You need to click the Lightning Bolt button to enter Flash streaming mode to view Flash websites.

What is the bandwidth settings for in the Settings Menu? What do the numbers mean?
The bandwidth settings are used for users to customize their experience according to their network conditions and bandwidth. Think of the numbers as profile. When you start, we set the profile to the lowest setting to make sure that Flash works for users who have lower bandwdith and to improve connectivity. You can then play around with the numbers to see which one works best for you. Each number is a profile with different fps (frame per second), max bandwidth throughput, average bandwidth throughput and many other parameters. One profile that works really well for one user may not work so well for another. So, we gave a few settings for users to experiment with to customize their experience to their network conditions.

What are all the mouse pointer, hand and finger icons on the top right after I entered Flash mode? Touch mode - Finger icon is basically touch mode which allows you to touch, scroll and zoom like you always do on a iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. You can also hold for more than 1.5 seconds after a touch to start dragging.
Pointer mode - The mouse pointer icons allows you to be more precise in your click. When you drag around on the device, you are essentially moving the mouse pointer. Tap on the screen to simulate a mouse click.
Grabbing hand mode - This is the drag mode which is used for games like Cityville, Farmville, etc. By switching to this mode, you can touch the screen and also scroll around game maps. To scroll the entire browser screen, you will need to switch back to touch mode.

I can see the Flash video but hear no audio
1) The mute slider on the side of your iPad next to your volume switches on the side is not on. Slide it and you should see the speaker icon show up on your iPad showing your status on /off. Play with both settings. THE MUTE SLIDER IS DIFFERENT FROM THE VOLUME SWITCH. Some app do not respect the mute settings and continue to play audio. So, the fact that other apps are playing audio may not mean your mute slider is off.
2) Make sure your volume is on loud. Click on the volume high button to achieve a high volume setting. Some websites have audio that is a little on the soft side.
3) Some website have a separate "speaker/audio" icon somewhere on the flash. Make sure it is not on mute.
4) Try disconnecting from Flash session. Wait more than 10 seconds and click on lightning bolt button again to eliminate any specific server issue.
5) Are you using the alternate port setting? It should not be an issue but just wanted to check. Make sure it is off for normal Wifi access. You only need to turn it on if there was a problem connecting to our servers.
6) Are you using Wifi or 3G?
If your side switch is set to Rotation lock on an iPad 2, check the following, you may still have your mute turn on:
a) Double click on your home button and a bottom panel showing your background tasks will appear.
b) Slide your finger to the right on this bottom panel and you will see a set of controls for volume.
c) The bottom left icon should be a round button with a speaker icon.
d) It is possible that your speaker icon has a line across it indicating that it is set to mute. click on it to unmute it.
Try Photon again and all the volume stuff should work.
Alternatively, to make sure we eliminate everything else if above does not work, do to Settings in your iPad. Set your slide switch to use Mute vs Rotation. However if you prefer your side switch to be rotation lock, then use a)-d).

A pop up box appear saying I am unable to connect to remote host
There are 3 common possibilities.
a) Perhaps your network is down at the time of connection. This can frequently occur over 3G network where network connection can be spotty. So try again.
b) Our servers or datacenters may be down for maintenance at the moment you try to connect. This is quite rare unless there is a major outage. Please try again later.
c) Your ISP or country may be blocking access to our servers. To verify, you can visit from the native browser to check.

The video is laggy or choppy
If you have a fast network and close to our data center, the video or Flash websites should work well. However, if you have a slower network or use a 3G connection or Mifi over 3G, then your Flash video can be choppy depending on network conditions. Although we have made significant improvements to our technology, there is still the law of physics and speed of light restriction.

The Flash site sometimes freezes
This happens if you are on a low bandwidth network and volatile network where the bandwidth rate can fluctuate from time to time such as over a 3G network. If we cannot receive the data real time, we have nothing to show which is why the screen will freeze until new data comes in through the network.

Can I use Photon over 3G?
Yes. You can use Photon over 3G though we do not recommend it if your 3G is spotty and switches to an extended network where the average bandwidth is lower.

How do I type during Flash mode?
You need to bring up the keyboard by clicking on the keyboard button found on the top right of the navigation bar.
What's new
Aug 2 - V 1.2 Photon Browser Performance Improvement
This version is a performance update where we made significant improvements to both server and client side to support users with lower bandwidth.
- Reduction in bandwidth used to stream Flash sessions.
- Reduce freezing when network condition deteriorates.
- 4X client side improvement.
- For users who already love us, this performance should make frame rates and stability significantly better.
- For users who have low bandwidth network, it should help improve experience though you may still experience lag and choppiness depending on your bandwidth.

May 15 - V 1.0 Photon Browser
- Supports browsing of Flash websites
- Tabbed browsing with unlimited tabs opening
- Different views for multi-tasking with smart rotation and views resizing for Portrait or Landscape views.
   - Tabs mode for quick web view access. No-Tabs to save screen space
   - Full Screen browsing to maximize browsing space
   - Split Screen divides screen into halves
   - Trio Screen browsing to maximize browsing space
   - PIP Picture in Picture browsing experience
- Awesome URL bar combines both search keywords and history
- Smart history supports jumping to past history by holding back/forward button for more than 1 second.
- Bookmarks support
- Rotation lock during game mode
- Adjust brightness for nighttime reading
- Privacy browsing allows you to clear history, cookies and cache. Set Privacy to on to clear automatically on browser exit.
- Personalize browser colors and choose from literally thousands of colors, shades and hues.
- More powerful and innovative features on the way- stay tuned!

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