
News from ISO


Power of ISO standards for electric vehicles

by Roger Frost on
Motor way

Designers and manufacturers of electric vehicles, along with component makers and other participants in the automotive supply chain, will benefit from a new CD collection of ISO standards for electric, hybrid and fuel-cell road vehicles. The collection is a "one-stop shop" which will also prove useful as a reference for transport regulators and for buyers and operators of vehicle fleets.

These standards aim to harmonize test methods and increase efficiency and safety in the development of electric and fuel-cell vehicles. They provide requirements for issues such as:

  • Functional safety
  • Vehicle and component test methods for electrical disturbances
  • On-board rechargeable energy storage systems
  • Exhaust, speed, energy and fuel consumption measurements

The standards in the ISO Collection, Electric, hybrid and fuel-cell road vehicles, were developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, which has authored more than 750 standards, with the participation of experts from 28 countries.

The CD is available from ISO national member institutes (see the complete list with contact details). It may also be obtained directly from the ISO Central Secretariat through the ISO Store.

CD collection on electric vehicles

Electric, hybrid and fuel-cell road vehicles

CD collection of ISO standards for electric, hybrid and fuel-cell road vehicles.



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Users of the ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) standard are being encouraged to provide input through an online survey to the experts developing the next edition of the standard, which is expected to be published in 2015.

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Roger Frost
Head, Communication Services, Marketing, Communication and Information
Call: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 733 34 30
Twitter: @isostandards

ISO Focus+, 2/2013

This month on ISO Focus+

Small business

How do small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) compete on a level playing field with the biggest business? Quite simply: by applying International Standards.

This issue looks at how International Standards help businesses of all shapes and sizes to work more efficiently, increase productivity and access new markets.

The issue also brings together a portfolio of articles covering the application of software engineering or environmental management standards in smaller settings, or the benefits of standards and participation in standardization for SMEs. The implementation of an integrated Management System Standard by SMEs is also highlighted.

Current issue

ISO Focus+

Our monthly magazine draws attention to the vital role International Standards play in the global economy. The magazine is geared to an international readership of standards developers, industry and government regulators. Each month, we focus on a theme such as risk or the environment, to highlight the achievements of standards in the field. The magazine features interviews from top business executives, examples of management system standards in practice as well as an update on some of the newest International Standards.

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