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Friday, January 25, 2013

Business Day Personal Tech

Minh Uong/The New York Times

Digital tools offer new mothers help with a range of tasks, including writing thank-you notes, getting back to the pre-baby weight, ordering diapers and other necessities, and calming the little one.

App Smart

Exploring the Many Options That Make Recording Easy

Smartphone apps can do many of the same things that digital voice recorders do.

Tool Kit

In Choosing a Tablet, First Try It On for Size

Lighter, thinner devices make up for their smaller screens and limited computing power by being easier to hold for long periods.

App Smart

On Snowy Slopes, Fingers Glide Down the Touch Screen

Be sure to zip your smartphone in your ski jacket; it can help you navigate a resort, prepare for the weather and even become a better skier.

Smartphones Become Life’s Remote Control

At the Consumer Electronics Show, many app-powered accessories are on display that allow consumers to turn off lights, unlock doors or monitor their blood pressure.

Tool Kit

Mobile Chargers Ease That Feeling of Powerlessness

Smartphone and tablet users can choose from an array of mobile chargers for times when a wall socket is unavailable or inconvenient.

App Smart

Taking a Deep Look at Tools for Scuba Divers

Divers now have many apps to help them plan, execute and even train for their dives.

Tool Kit

The iPad as a Hand-Held Darkroom

Using the Apple tablet rather than a computer for photo editing makes adjusting and sharing pictures easier.

Tool Kit

Video Gaming on the Pro Tour, for Glory but Little Gold

Some players are paid handsomely, and there are corporate sponsorships, but the prospect of making good money as a pro is doubtful for most.

State of the Art

Spicing Up a Ho-Hum Tech Show

This year’s Consumer Electronics Show didn’t have a lot to write home about, but there was some action courtesy of Daxton Blackthorne.

Tool Kit
Light Reading: How the Kindle Paperwhite Works

Amazon and Barnes & Noble added lighting systems to their newest readers, the Kindle Paperwhite and the Nook Simple Touch, to make it easier for people to read in the dark.

A Look Inside the Nintendo 3DS XL

The video game company is trying to combat the threat from smartphones loaded with cheap games.

Tool Kit
Inside the Nest Learning Thermostat

Nest, the company founded by the former Apple designer Tony Fadell, released a new version of its self-learning thermostat on Tuesday.

Browse all the mobile app coverage that has appeared in The New York Times by category, and see what Times writers have on their phones and tablets.

All Apps
News and Amusements
Social and Communication
Travel and Food
Tools and Resources
