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Business Day

Friday, January 25, 2013 Last Update: 3:10 PM ET

Was GS Yuasa, the Japanese company that made the Dreamliner’s lithium-ion battery, chosen based on merit or a quid pro quo arrangement?

National Transportation Safety Board investigators with parts of the battery that caught fire on a Japan Airlines Boeing 787 parked at Logan Airport in Boston.
Daniel Rosenbaum for The New York Times

National Transportation Safety Board investigators with parts of the battery that caught fire on a Japan Airlines Boeing 787 parked at Logan Airport in Boston.

Court Rejects Recess Appointments to Labor Board

President Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate last year to fill vacancies on the National Labor Relations Board, a federal appeals court panel ruled on Friday.

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Despite Calm, Draghi Raises Economic Concerns

Calling 2012 the year the euro was re-launched, the president of the European Central Bank expressed concern in Davos that renewed calm on financial markets had not yet led to growth.


Rumble on Basic Cable, as Ackman Takes On Icahn Live

Years of bad blood between the two hedge fund magnates spilled publicly onto CNBC's airwaves on Friday, as Mr. Icahn derided his younger counterpart as a "crybaby," and Mr. Ackman declared the veteran investor a "bully."

Bits Blog

AT&T; Will Buy Some Verizon Spectrum for $1.9 Billion

AT&T; has agreed to buy some spectrum - the radio waves that carry wireless calls and data - from its main competitor, Verizon Wireless. It will pay $1.9 billion for spectrum licenses that would cover 42 million people across 18 states.

Stocks Push Higher

Stocks climbed in New York, buoyed by a backdrop of sturdy corporate results, but Apple lost its position as the most valuable American company.

The Education Revolution

Chinese Graduates Say No Thanks to Factory Jobs

Millions of Chinese graduate from college every year, but they struggle to find jobs in an economy that is still dominated by blue-collar industries.


Goldman Overcomes Its Latest Headache

A case brought by the founders of Dragon Systems was among a spate of legal problems and public relations difficulties for Goldman in recent years.

Italy's Oil Leader Is Pursuing Its East African Bet

Beginning in 2010, the Italian oil company and a rival, Anadarko Petroleum, made a series of finds in Mozambique that add up to the largest natural gas trove of recent years.

Cities Urge Public Pension Funds to Divest From Gun Makers

Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago urged the executives of two major banks to cease the financing of firearms companies. Other cities are making similar efforts.

Insight & Analysis

High & Low Finance

Housing Offers Hope of Strength in the Economy

The United States housing market is not yet in good shape, but it is getting better, and in that there may be hope for a surprisingly strong economy this year.

Off the Charts

Where Banking Crisis Raged, Trust Is Slow to Return

Where banks rode out the recession, public trust in banking institutions is stable, a new survey says. But in European countries, that trust plunged and has not recovered.

Today's Economist

Reader Response: Medicare Options and Quality of Care

A new study makes it even more difficult to draw firm conclusions on whether Medicare Advantage patients get better or worse care than those with traditional Medicare.

Wealth Matters

What the Small Player Can Expect When Using a Lobbyist

A professional lobbyist can help a small business that does not know how to influence public policy.


Decision Making 101: Reflection, Followed by Action

Why you often don’t do what you meant to do, and how to keep your decisions on track.


Making Sense of Wall Street's Trading Revenue

Trading results are good place to start when assessing whether banks release sufficient information about their financial results.

Bits Blog

For Michael Jackson Bio, Trying to Even the Score

Mr. Jackson's fans used Amazon to malign a "Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson", a new book on the singer. But as news of their exploits spread, some people struck back.

You're the Boss Blog

Getting Sales Representatives to Sell

How long do you stick with a sales representative who is not performing?

Economix Blog

Older, but Not Yet Retired

It has become much more common for Americans over 65 to continue working, if they can.


Moving From Wall Street to the Tech Sector Proves Tricky

As more financiers jump to the technology sector, some find that big investors are skeptical that they have what it takes to nurture a young company.

Davos 2013

Amid Criticism, Global Rule Maker Defends Regulatory Efforts

Stefan Ingves, the chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, answered criticism on Tuesday that global rule makers has gone soft on banks, arguing that lenders need more time to adjust to new regulations.


In Davos, Merkel Presses Leaders to Keep Focus on Economy

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, echoed a concern that a tentative European recovery could be undercut by political complacency.

News Videos From CNBC
Clash of the Titans: Ackman vs. Icahn
Jan 25 1:46 PM EST
Exxon Exceeds Apple In Market Cap
Jan 25 1:41 PM EST
Metal Outlook At the Close
Jan 25 1:39 PM EST
Ackman Stands By Herbalife Short
Jan 25 1:30 PM EST
Cramer: Icahn a 'Handshake Guy'
Jan 25 1:16 PM EST
Time to Get Back in the Game; Blankfein's Optimism
Jan 25 1:12 PM EST

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