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Carriers say the new restriction will make it harder for “gray market” businesses to launder and sell stolen cellphonesMichelle V. Agins/The New York Times Carriers say the new restriction will make it harder for “gray market” businesses to launder and sell stolen cellphones

A Right to Unlock Cellphones Fades Away

Your right to unlock your cellphone is about to expire. Cellphone carriers say this is for your own good — and theirs. Unlocking a cellphone enables it to work on a wireless carrier other than the one you bought it from. Read more…

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Today’s Scuttlebot: Lawsuit, and Berners-Lee in Davos

The technology reporters and editors of The New York Times scour the Web for important and peculiar items. For Friday, selections include a woman’s lawsuit against an online dating service that matched her with a man who later assaulted her, Yahoo’s chief executive talking about feeding information from the Web to mobile devices, and an Internet pioneer discussing sharing more information online. Read more…

Apple Takes Aim at Providers of Underage Laborers

Labor recruiters in China last year knowingly provided underage workers to a supplier that built parts for products from Apple and other companies. That finding was included in Apple’s 2013 report on labor conditions at its suppliers, where more than 1.5 million workers make or assemble the ingredients that go into its products. Read more…

Video: For Investors, Apple Not as Shiny

The Times’s Nick Wingfield talks about Apple’s detrimental legacy of success. Read more…