
JISC Legal endeavours to make our website accessible for all users. It is important to us that every site visitor is able to find information quickly and that the information they find can be accessed easily. If you have any problems accessing our website, or you would like to offer a suggestion to us to ensure information we provide is simply available to all, please contact us at: [email protected]. We value your feedback on this matter.

Accessibility: access keys

For the benefit of those who will be accessing this site using a screen reader we have provided access key shortcuts to each of our main sections. A skip navigation link has also been included which will jump the screen reader to the main content of the page missing out the button links.

The following access keys are active for this website:

0: skip navigation
1: JISC Legal home page
2: News
3: Events

m: Menu
l: Top Links
p: Site Map
s: Search
a: Accessibility page (this page)

To use access keys in:

  • Internet Explorer - hold the ALT key and press the number/letter of the relevant access key (this highlights the correct link), then press RETURN.
  • Firefox - Firefox 3.0 uses Shift Alt as the keystroke combination to invoke access keys.
  • Safari (Mac) - hold the Control key and press the number of the relevant access key.
  • Safari (PC) - ALT key and numer/letter of relevant access key.

Where a number is used to refer to more than one link, repeatedly pressing the access key while holding down the appropriate key combination alternates between the different links.