Cloud Computing

You can access the JISC Legal Cloud Computing and the Law Toolkit in our Guidance section below. The aim of this toolkit is to help you, as an educational professional, to make confident, informed decisions about implementing cloud computing solutions in your institution. It's suitable for anyone working in a teaching, research, management or support capacity in UK FE or HE.

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Cloud Computing Newslinks
New Mobile Technologies and the Law Overview Paper

This guidance from JISC Legal considers the legal issues likely to arise from the use of mobile devices by colleges and universities.
Mobile Technologies and the Law Overview (19 November 2012)

This paper considers the legal issues likely to arise from the use of mobile devices by colleges and universities. It is relevant for staff with responsibility for planning and managing the introduction and use of mobile technologies in their institution and for lecturers, researchers and support staff using or supporting the use of mobile technologies.
Google Offers EU-only Cloud

Google now provides institutions with the option to process and store personal data exclusively on servers based in the EU.
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