Web 2.0 Archive

The EU Commission’s recent communication on cloud computing outlines the actions needed to encourage the use of cloud computing.

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The ICO has published a new cloud computing guide that highlights the data protection risks that cloud computing presents as well as suggesting approaches that will assist with compliance.

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Providing links to illegally copied images where there is an intervention, a new audience and profit amounts to publication of infringing material and breaches copyright, says the Court of Amsterdam.

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Making personal information publicly available on Facebook puts students at particular risk of having bank accounts fraudulently accessed.

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The EU Parliament has formally approved the text of a new EU Directive on orphan works with 531 in favour versus 11 opposed (65 abstentions).

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Vitae Innovate has published a 'Handbook of Social Media for Researchers and Supervisors' which is a resource to assist early career researchers and their supervisors adopt social media tools in their research and develop a social media strategy for research dialogues.

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Advice from the Department for Education on the Equality Act 2010 has been updated.

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The ICO's latest blog posting on cookies updates their enforcement strategy.

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Where a college employs students as apprentices and provides them access to MIS information as part of the responsibilities of their job and this enables them to view the records of other students this would not be a breach of data protection law in itself. 

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The consultant will own the copyright in the materials created as part of the consultancy in the absence of an agreement to the contrary.

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It is possible to adapt some that are available online providing you comply with the licence conditions. 

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Nominet decisions cannot be appealed by the back door to the courts. Rightsholders and registrants must get a DRS action right in the first place.

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Vitae Innovate has published a 'Handbook of Social Media for Researchers and Supervisors' a resource that assists early career researchers to adopt social media tools.

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The general rule of UK defamation law is that the publisher of defamation faces liability.  This applies to FE and HE institutions in the same way as ... (cont)

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US authorities have seized the domains of three websites offering pirated android apps in efforts to tackle online piracy.

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The High Court in Belfast recently ordered Facebook to identify anonymous account holders responsible for posting abusive messages about a Belfast company and its employees.

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Canada's Supreme Court has considered the extent of "fair dealing" under Canadian copyright law, and in particular, the balance between music owners' right to be paid and listeners' right to use downloaded music without infringing copyright.

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Professor Charles Oppenheim’s book The No-Nonsense Guide to Legal Issues in Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing is now available from Facet Publishing.

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Defamation, harassment, malicious falsehood, assault, data protection breach, fraud, trademark and copyright infringement are just some of the legal risks when tweeting from or to the UK.

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Google has been fined $22.5m (£14.4m) for tracking users activites without their permission.

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A security breach at online storage service Dropbox highlights the need to consider a provider's security measures when using cloud services.

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A Twitter user has been arrested on suspicion of making malicious communications.

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This guidance is intended for staff in UK FE colleges whose provision includes further education or training for vulnerable learners with varying needs including disability issues.

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This webcast deals with outsourcing email, moving data storage off-campus and using external servers and data centres provided by cloud services.  The recording of the webcast - Cloud Computing and the Law - is now available online.  

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A recent report into the behaviour of “Generation Y” PhD students reveals a lack of understanding about open access and copyright amongst the students surveyed.

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Article 29 Working Party Opinion rejects the view that, because browser software can block cookies, any user who does not block cookies is giving consent.

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In response to a complaint concerning Nike, the ASA has made it clear that marketing tweets must be clearly marked as such.

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Facebook has substituted Facebook email addresses for user addresses without adequate warning or permission.

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This is a decision for the institution to make. There have certainly been various news articles highlighting privacy and data protection concerns related to Facebook, and similar issues apply to other external social networking sites ... (cont)

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A new bill seeking to strengthen Scotland's Freedom of Information legislation is being considered by their government.

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A new bill seeking to strengthen Scotland's freedom of information legislation is being considered by their government.

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The CLA has drafted a Code of Conduct outlining how the CLA will act in its dealings with licensees and other copyright users in relation to queries regarding its licences.

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New government proposals, to be added to the Defamation Bill, state that internet 'trolling' victims have a right to know who is behind the malicious comments made about them.  

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The EU Parliament’s negotiating team has voted in favour of reforming copyright legislation in order to make available ‘orphan works’ in on-line archives.   

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£325,000 penalty for hard drives containing sensitive data for sale on the internet.

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The ICO has begun a public consultation on a new anonymisation code of practice.

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The fees to be paid by users of media monitoring services to access online newspaper content have been established following a Copyright Tribunal ruling that the terms were ‘'reasonable'’.

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ICO says that enforcement action for use of Google Analytics cookies without prior consent is unlikely.

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Where copyright infringing third party material is included in an ‘e-thesis’, liability will lie with all parties who have taken part in the activity that is infringement. 

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A story published this week in the Higher Education network blog highlights the issue of universities monitoring social media sites.

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Twitter is contesting a US court order requiring it to hand over a user's message history.

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The Protection of Freedoms Act, 2012 achieved royal assent on 01 May 2012.

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An employment tribunal recently held that an employee was fairly sacked for posting obscene Facebook messages.

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The Digital Economy Act 2010 was given royal assent late on Thursday, 8 April 2010, following the final reading of the Digital Economy Bill in the House of Commons, the previous night.

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A Welsh health board has been issued with a £70,000 fine following a serious breach of the Data Protection Act,1998. 

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UK Internet Service Providers (ISPs) including Sky, Virgin Media and Talk Talk must block file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, the High Court has ruled.

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Despite fewer fines for private firms than public organisations over an eleven month period, the Information Commissioner’s Office says issuing monetary penalties depends on strict criteria, not whether an organisation is private or public.

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The purpose of this Moral Rights and OERs Overview paper is to guide publishers of open educational resources (OERs) on the meaning of moral rights, when and how these impact on the creation of OERs and measures which may be taken in order to avoid infringement of moral rights.

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To purpose of this Moral Rights and OERs Essentials paper is to provide publishers of open educational resources (OERs) with a summary of when and how moral rights impact on the creation of OERs.

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A court found YouTube contributed to copyright infringement by its users by failing to act quickly to remove unlawful content after it was notified by rights holders.

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