Northern Ireland Archive

Google now gives institutions the opportunity to process and store personal data exclusively on servers based in the EU.

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The High Court has ruled that businesses do not have a general claim of ownership over the content of staff emails.

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The ICO has updated his guidance on how to handle requests for personal data about public authority employees under FOI and EIRS.

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The ICO has made proposals to change the data protection notification process for data controllers.

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The CLA has launched a new Code of Conduct which details how the agency will deal with its licence holders and other copyright users.

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JISC Legal will present at JISC RSC YH's e-Assessment Online Conference on Wednesday, 5 December 2012.

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This template is intended as a guide to help colleges write an effective e-safety policy that reflects their unique college community and context.

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The UK Justice Committee has published its opinion on the proposed EU Regulation and Directive which will replace the current Data Protection Directive (Directive 95/46/EC).

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Google has been found liable for damages where it continued to show defaming content after a complaint was received.

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A recent report provides insight into students’ awareness of IPR and their attitudes to IPR teaching in UK institutions.

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These top tips serve as a quick reminder of the main areas to be addressed in meeting your e-safety duty.

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Following on from our news story on the 8 October 2012, we can now confirm that the Directive has entered the Official Journal of the EU.

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A checklist of questions for institutions to consider when updating or framing an e-safety policy.

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The ICO has updated guidance to help institutions gain an understanding of freedom of information legislation and how to apply it, paying particular attention to research information.

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The simplest way of addressing this is to remind users that it is the institution's responsibility to comply with the JANET Acceptable Use Policy ... (cont)

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In order to meet the duty of care owed to learners, a college will have to show it has taken adequate precautions to prevent reasonably foreseeable loss or harm occurring. 

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Encryption is 'a simple and widely used security measure' that must be used when sensitive information is being stored and sent electronically.

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The Universities UK/GuildHE Copyright Working Group has published guidance on what the CLA HE Licence permits in respect of the provision of copyright material to non-UK students overseas.

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The purpose of this communication is to dispel a recent misconception about what the current HE Copyright Licence permits in respect of the provision of copyright material to non-UK students overseas.

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A former Sky employee who passed on customers’ information from its databases to third parties has been found liable for infringement of the company’s database rights.

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The workshop is designed to teach delegates the basics of the Act (including validating requests, time limits and fees) and the exemptions.

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A website’s ‘temporary security flaw’ does not merit a civil monetary penalty, says the ICO, where this concerns a limited amount of non-sensitive personal information being compromised.  

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The general rule of UK defamation law is that the publisher of a defamation faces liability and this applies to FE and HE institutions as publishers in the same way as to any other publisher.  

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The Information Commissioner has fined Greater Manchester Police £120,000 for the loss of sensitive information. 

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As part of the Welsh Repository Network (WRN) project an interactive quiz regarding, copyright implications with multimedia deposits, was created for a repository staff training session. 

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Grossly offensive social media communications are to attract the use of remedies other than criminal prosecution.

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The ICO has received 486 complaints via its online cookie reporting tool indicating a steady increase since JISC Legal reported this issue last month.

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Schools and colleges can assess their own level of e-safety using this online tool.

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Digitisation and online access to orphan works without risk of copyright infringement is approved for educational establishments where a diligent search is carried out.

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As an employee you are required to comply with reasonable instructions from your employer. 

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The 12th annual ebooks conference features Miranda McKearney, James Clay, Bill Boyd, Jill Taylor-Roe and Stephen Edwards in a cross sectoral exploration of the latest developments.

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YouTube is changing how it handles alleged copyright infringing content so as to protect the rights of both content owners and users.

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The EU Commission’s recent communication on cloud computing outlines the actions needed to encourage the use of cloud computing.

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The ICO has published a new cloud computing guide that highlights the data protection risks that cloud computing presents as well as suggesting approaches that will assist with compliance.

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The Scottish Information Commissioner has published her first Annual report which reveals that the number of appeals which relate to education institutions has decreased.

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The European Commission is currently consulting on a potential European initiative to support open educational resources in education and skills. 

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A new report produced by the Information Commissioner's Office aims to help schools ensure they are handling pupils’ personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.   

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Providing links to illegally copied images where there is an intervention, a new audience and profit amounts to publication of infringing material and breaches copyright, says the Court of Amsterdam.

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Making personal information publicly available on Facebook puts students at particular risk of having bank accounts fraudulently accessed.

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Unfortunately there is no case law to define whether an activity is ‘commercial’ or not, and there is no definitive wording within the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.   

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There are two separate aspects to be considered whether materials, created for in-house use from licensed video, can be used in a conference presentation outside the institution.

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The ERA licence scheme permits the making of recordings of broadcasts by or on behalf of an educational establishment for the non-commercial educational purposes of that establishment.

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Good records management is essential to efficient handling of FOI requests.

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Vitae Innovate has published a 'Handbook of Social Media for Researchers and Supervisors' which is a resource to assist early career researchers and their supervisors adopt social media tools in their research and develop a social media strategy for research dialogues.

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Advice from the Department for Education on the Equality Act 2010 has been updated.

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The ICO's latest blog posting on cookies updates their enforcement strategy.

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The ICO has fined Scottish Borders Council £250,000 for failure to put in place appropriate guarantees on how data would be kept secure when it engaged an external company.

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The consultant will own the copyright in the materials created as part of the consultancy in the absence of an agreement to the contrary.

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Where a college employs students as apprentices and provides them access to MIS information as part of the responsibilities of their job and this enables them to view the records of other students this would not be a breach of data protection law in itself. 

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It is possible to adapt some that are available online providing you comply with the licence conditions. 

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