Freedom of Information

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The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) gives a right of access to information held by 'public authorities'. Most UK colleges and universities are public authorities. The FOIA covers all records and information held by a public authority, whether digital or print, current or archived. 


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Freedom of Information Newslinks

Survey Highlights BYOD Issues
Colleges and universities considering supporting staff and students’ use of their own mobile devices to facilitate teaching and learning will be interested in the results of a recent survey which indicates growth in companies adopting the BYOD model.

Freedom of Information - Updated Requirements

The ICO has updated guidance on what HE institutions should publish in order to meet their FOI commitments.

New FOI (Scotland) Law Stops Short of Including More Organisations

The Freedom of Information (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill, passed in January 2013, provides that the Scottish Ministers must regularly inform Parliament  how many new bodies come under FOISA, but does not increase the scope itself.

Jisc infoNet Management Survey

The data generated by the survey provides a picture of the impact of information access legislation on the sector that is used within institutions for their own planning purposes. 

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