Defamation Law

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Defamation is, essentially, concerned with the publication of lies, or untruths and a defamatory statement is one which lowers the claimant in the estimation of right thinking members of society. The general rule of UK defamation law is that the publisher of a defamation faces liability and this applies to FE and HE institutions as publishers in the same way as to any other publisher . So where an institution maintains control over what its users publish, it is likely to be considered a "publisher" of this material for the purposes of defamation.


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Think Before You Tweet - or Risk Arrest

A Twitter user has been arrested on suspicion of making malicious communications.

Websites Forced to Identify Trolls

New government proposals, to be added to the Defamation Bill, state that internet 'trolling' victims have a right to know who is behind the malicious comments made about them.  
New Plans for Defamation Law and Communications Data

Improving the protection of freedom of speech and increasing access to vital communications, including internet use, are proposed in the Queen's speech.
Monitoring Social Media in Education

A story published this week in the Higher Education network blog highlights the issue of universities monitoring social media sites.
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