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The language on this Cookie Law opt in slider is a great example of how to phrase things.

1. It isn't alarming, it doesn't introduce fear, uncertainty and doubt
2. The default option is a "No, thanks" -- which is feels like "go away and stop bothering me with this irrelevant thing I don't want to do now..."
3. It stresses "best experience"
4. The other option is "change settings" -- aka "fiddle around with stuff I don't normally do"

It's a great starting point and I imagine we will see lots of clones.
Tim Leighton-Boyce's profile photodan barker's profile photoJoanna Butler's profile photoMike Dobbs's profile photo
Very nicely done & some clever thinking behind it.
Hi Tim

Yes, it is a good example - thanks for explaining in more detail why. Must be nice for BT to be held out as an example of good practice for a change? ;)

(actually, to be fair, BT are doing quite a lot of good stuff online e.g. their online customer service is none too shabby).
Its a great example, from a UX perspective, i think the CTA for 'no thanks' should be more prominent
+Russell McAthy From a UX perspective there might also be some problems with the fact that it slides away if you do nothing, which would be bad if someone had started to read it. That might plant concerns. But I suspect that because sliders like these are used most often for feedback forms, cross-promotions within the site and email sign-ups etc a pattern may be emerging of "if something slides in down there it doesn't matter". So people will ignore it and thereby opt in because they have "continued".

That then raises the question of whether the visitor has then really provided explicit consent and we are back into the bigger argument. But nobody could suggest that BT have not made a very good attempt at full compliance here. Way more than most.

It would be extremely interesting to know what the opt-out rate is!
Tim - good spot and nice implementation, but I couldn't see reference to analytics cookie settings in the opt-in. They're not there are they?
I think they may be... Try turning off "functional" and "Improve overall performance of the web site" appears in the list of things that will not be happening.

I've just recorded a video of the process (which doesn't include the turning off "functional", pity) and uploaded it to YouTube:

Thanks for sharing Tim. I like the use of language - it's not making it sound intimidating, it's quite reassuring and it gently persuades people that by doing nothing they get the best possible experience. Still, I think most visitors won't have a clue what cookie is which then has the potential to cause concern and get some people to click on "change settings" for fear of being swallowed into the abyss of digital pain.
BT seem to have that eventuality well-covered too. I've just shared a screen shot of their slick interface for changing the settings. It doesn't explicitly mention 'web analytics' (jargon) but it does mention "improving the overall performance of the site".
As far as I know there must be an opt-in function for analytics, not an opt-out function, so this doesn't meet the requirements, or do you guys disagree?
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