Ideas Bank

  • We might be living in the least disruptive age in history

    We might be living in the least disruptive age in history

    "The world is moving faster than ever before. Everything is being disrupted, including that thing you do. So you're going to have to tear it up. And you're going to have to keep on tearing it up. If you stop, even for a second, you will die."

    If you've ever sat through a consultant's presentation, including *cough* many of mine, or leafed through a copy of the Harvard Business Review or Wired then you've heard a spiel like this. The audience sits up. Yes, the world is accelerating so fast we can't think! So much new stuff to deal with! We are so special to live in such an exceptional time! Tell us how to cope!

    My grandmother would have folded her arms and frowned. She was born in Belfast in 1900. Horse drawn carts clopped up and down her cobbled street. Life expectancy was 57, Britain was a superpower with the naval equivalent of the Death Star and her house was lit with gas and candles. By the time she was 20, cars were rattling and hooting down her road and they were enjoying electric lights, outrageous women's clothing and jazz. Russia had convulsed into a radical new kind of government, airships were crossing the Atlantic and many of her male relatives had been slaughtered in the First World War.

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  • Women need to become creators, as well as consumers, of the web

    Women need to become creators, as well as consumers, of the web

    I've just discovered the work of linguistics professor Deborah Tannen, who's written a selection of really accessible books and articles about the differences in the way men and women communicate -- and how that can lead to all sorts of strikingly familiar trouble.

    She asks us to imagine for instance a couple in a car. The woman says "would you like to stop for a coffee?", the man replies "no thanks" and they drive on. The woman, who did want to stop is angry to have her needs ignored, and the man is frustrated that she didn't just say what she wanted. Continue reading

  • What women want from smartphone design isn't what lazy marketers think

    What women want from smartphone design isn't what lazy marketers think

    Pink phones for Mother's Day, purple phones for spring, bedazzled phones to accessorize our bling. If you listen to most marketers, one would assume that smartphone shopping for women comes down to a preference for pretty pastels and shiny objects. But it cannot be that simple, right?

    Superficial changes aren't enough to appeal to this powerful group of consumers. After all, women control $20 trillion in annual spending and represent a market that's bigger than China and India combined, finds the Boston Consulting Group. What's more, women influence 64 per cent of global purchases, a figure that rises to 73 per cent in the United States.

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  • Interface designers should think mind over touch

    Interface designers should think mind over touch

    For most people, the term "neuroscience" and the notion of mind control is likely to conjure thoughts of scientists in lab coats connecting people's brains to an array of ominous looking wires, something more closely resembling science-fiction than real life. However, the practice is in fact becoming increasingly relevant in a number of fields, coming ever closer to our everyday lives. No longer the preserve of scientists and the medical world, this complex area of study is now being beginning to be used in consumer technology to enrich the lives of people everywhere.

    Despite continuous advances in technology, from touch technology to near field communication, consumers are increasingly demanding more intuitive technology that understands their needs and reacts to them instantly. Neuroscience and mind control is enabling manufacturers to take this a step further, and is emerging as one of the biggest breakthroughs in consumer technology for decades. With the ability to understand how the brain responds to creative stimulus and what emotions those ideas trigger a new dawn in consumer technology is being born. Continue reading

  • The meritocracy of Olympic competition is a farce

    The meritocracy of Olympic competition is a farce

    We were sitting around conference tables, scribbling little lists onto notecards. It was ethics class in our first year of medical school, and we'd been asked a simple question. If we could pick what our children would be like -- their appearance, their capabilities -- what would we choose? Many of us stuck with the old adage, "Ten fingers, ten toes." Some asked that their kids be intelligent, a few that they be beautiful. The puritanical said they wouldn't ask for anything at all. One guy wanted a USB port.

    Those of us just asking for the fingers and toes wanted to believe we'd risen above the temptation to tinker. We weren't asking for our kids to be geniuses or beauty queens. What made us squirm was that our answers still felt like an indictment. Approaching parenthood with a spec sheet didn't say a lot for our sense of human dignity. Yet it still felt acceptable, even honorable, to want our children to have basic abilities. It seemed natural. It seemed fair.

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