Geek Dad

  • Roosterbank wakes up children's saving accounts

    Roosterbank wakes up children's saving accounts

    We've tried a variety of things to get our children into saving money. Mostly they just want to spend their money as soon as they get it. Either that or they lose it in the depths of their bedrooms before we even get to the shops.

    We've recently started using Roosterbank, a pocket money website that not only avoids them frittering their hard earned money away but also offers advice about how to spend it when they are ready.

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  • GeekDad tests the Swifty One commuter scooter

    GeekDad tests the Swifty One commuter scooter

    As I've written previously on GeekDad the scooter is something of a family essential these days. Especially in town, it seems more of the children of our friends and family have scooters rather than the Raleigh Burners I remember from my childhood.

    This is the first of a series of tests that look at different scooter options. Kicking things off we look at a ride that offers parents as well as children the option of getting around town a little easier. The Swifty One scooter may look a little unusual but opens up some fresh options for family transportation and fun.

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  • GeekDad joins the longboarding fraternity

    GeekDad joins the longboarding fraternity

    As I'm getting older I'm aware the need to avoid trying to be cool. There's nothing worse than the dad who's "down with the kids". I remember teachers at school who obviously trying to be "with it" and everybody could tell.

    Skateboarding isn't something I was good at when I was younger, although I did like the idea and culture of it all. As my years progressed I assumed that skating simply wasn't for me. However, in my (very) late 30s I've just broken my golden rule and got hold of a brand new Comet FSM board, Caliber trucks and Volante wheels.

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  • GeekDad calms his wrap rage

    GeekDad calms his wrap rage

    Packaging isn't something I often think about, or place much weight on in my product reviews. However, my ever more environmentally educated offspring won't let me get away with this anymore.

    What's more, I recently noticed that Amazon has a new focus on products with friendly wrapping via its Frustration-Free packagingmark. Although it sounds like just an easier way to open products faster, it actually has an underlying environmental payload of reducing the use of packing materials.

    While I don't suffer from "wrap rage" very often, for me it is actually the simplest of packaging that causes a problem. Most recently I've noticed my inability to rip open the plastic shrink wrap around videogame boxes. Perhaps I'm just getting old.

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  • Hobbit flight safety video takes edge off kid's flying fears

    Hobbit flight safety video takes edge off kid's flying fears

    Until the day arrives when we each have our promised jet packs, getting around with a family can be tricky. As I mentioned recently on GeekDad, flying with young children isn't the easiest of things to do. As well as negotiating how best to seat the little ones, the fear factor can turn airbourne travel into a daunting task.

    Now, while my kids aren't listening I should say that I'm not the best of flyers, but that's not something I let on to them. Although they mostly took to the idea of getting around in long metal tubes hurtling through the air, there are moments during a flight where I can see them thinking through what they are doing and wondering just how safe it all is.

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