David Rowan

  • Twenty things I learned at WPP's Stream conference

    Twenty things I learned at WPP's Stream conference

    Every September, the advertising and media giant WPP organises an "unconference" called Stream over a weekend in a former Club Med resort outside Athens. An unconference is the antidote to a formally programmed conference: anyone can suggest a workshop or debate to present, so there's a certain serendipity and rough energy to proceedings.

    This year's event, a few days ago, brought together corporates such as Unilever, Nestle and BAT; tech firms such as Google, Microsoft and LinkedIn; startups from the UK, Israel, India and beyond; WPP subsidiaries such as 24/7 Media, Y&R and Ogilvy; and a few fortunate media types (such as this one, who rather lucked out to be there with his red Moleskine). Continue reading

  • Ten off-stage highlights at TED Global 2012

    Ten off-stage highlights at TED Global 2012

    As you'd expect, the TED Global conference in Edinburgh last week (that's Technology Entertainment Design) was packed with tightly curated on-stage delights. Delegates fortunate enough to be part of this international tribe of optimists -- and your reporter's presence resulted from his media credentials, rather than a $6,000 (£3,866) ticket -- were regularly stirred over the five days by the raw power of first-person narratives, mind blowing technology demonstrations, and musical performances from the likes of Macy Gray and Imogen Heap.

    Not every talk was must-watch, naturally: a few overpolished speakers used their 18 minutes to tell the audience that the climate is changing, that China is becoming richer and more ambitious, and that you can't easily tweet from Beijing. But some dynamite talks are already making their way to the TED.com website. Do watch Boaz Almog demonstrate the quantum levitation of a superconductor. Be moved by the bravery of Elyn Saks talking about the schizophrenia that has not prevented her from attaining academic success. And enjoy Massimo Banzi talk about the world the Arduino spawned, or Don Tapscott expound on the benefits that openness could bring the corporate world.

    But it's the activities off the main stage that define the TED experience as much as the formal talks. So here are ten highlights from my TED Global that help explain why the intensity of the experience means I'm only now working through my notebook a few days later… Continue reading

  • 20 things I learned on Day One of TEDGlobal

    20 things I learned on Day One of TEDGlobal

    I'm in Edinburgh this week among 850 curious optimists at the fifth TEDGlobal event in the UK (and any pessimists among them are at least trying to sound like optimists).

    There are guests and speakers here from around 
71 countries, and the international mix -- you run into investors and social activists, a princess and a war photographer -- ensures magnificent serendipity. This remains one of the highest-calibre speaker events in the country, and it's a credit to Bruno Giussani, Chris Anderson, Tom Rielly, June Cohen and team that they continue to source some of the world's best (and often most unlikely) storytellers.

    My notebook is too full to give you a verbatim breakdown of the first day's events. So instead, I'm going to share 20 things I've learned so far at TEDGlobal. Continue reading

  • The Founders Forum continues to generate innovative discussion

    The Founders Forum continues to generate innovative discussion

    For seven years, the Founders Forum has been Britain's leading gathering of high-impact tech-industry entrepreneurs. The most recent gathering, at The Grove hotel near Watford in Hertfordshire last Thursday and Friday, showed just how critical Brent Hoberman's and Jonathan Goodwin's event has become in nurturing and sustaining a strong UK ecosystem.

    Over a day and a half, invited guests could mingle with YouTube founder Chad Hurley, ITV chairman Archie Norman, Skype founder Niklas Zennstrom, Eventbrite's Kevin Hartz -- as well as Tim Berners-Lee, Prince Andrew and (I'm not quite sure why) Jeremy Clarkson. You could chat to investors such as Index's Saul Klein or Neil Rimer, Atlas's Fred Destin, Dave McClure from 500 Startups, or Wellington's Eric Archambeau. Continue reading

  • Oslo Freedom Forum brings together the global human rights movement

    Oslo Freedom Forum brings together the global human rights movement

    I'm fortunate to get to attend a good number of first-rate conferences -- but I've never spent time among such an inspiring community as I did last week for three days in Oslo. The Oslo Freedom Forum, set up three years ago by the Venezuelan-born activist Thor Halvorssen, is a gathering of 250 human-rights campaigners, supporters, commentators and policymakers where speakers include Nobel Peace Prize-winners and former child slaves. Over intensely moving sessions at Oslo's Christiania Theatre and the nearby Grand Hotel, and afterwards over dinner, drinks and late-night conversation, stories are shared, campaigns sharpened and new alliances forged. If the global human-rights movement were to create its own unified representative body, it would look something like this. Continue reading